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      -=> ASCII Plus - Coded Character Set Reference and Information <=-

   Covering: ASCII, ISO/IEC 8859-1, CP1252, CP437, Mac OS Roman, and AmigaOS

                           © 1985-2023 Michael Walden

Created: 2023-09-04
Updated: 2023-11-11

Table of Contents
 • IntroductionCompact ASCII TableFull ASCII TableISO/IEC 8859-1 - ISO/IEC 8859-1:1998 / ISO-8859-1 (Latin1)CP1252 - Windows-1252 / Code Page 1252 / WinLatin1CP437 - Code page 437 / IBM PC Extended Character Set (ECS)Mac OS RomanAmigaOS Coded Character SetHTML EntitiesEntering Characters with ALT Key Combinations in Microsoft DOS & WindowsCoded Character Set Naming VariationsChangelog


This page will mainly appeal to people who used computers in the United States
in the days before UNICODE was in existence, or at least not in wide spread use.
Possibly, these people will fondly recall the character set that their computer

The computers that are covered by the coded character sets on this web page
are: various CP/M computers that did and did not use serial terminals (mostly -
the ASCII ones), many IBM-PC compatibles running IBM/MS-DOS, PC compatible
computers running Windows 3.1x+, many Apple Macintosh models, and various
Commodore Amiga models.

On the other hand, this web page will be useful to modern web developers,
software programmers and average individuals writing documents in word
processors that may include foreign characters.   This is due to the fact
that this web page can serve as a good subset of the UNICODE text encoding
standard.  The UNICODE character repertoire is a bit overwhelming with its
inclusion of thousands of Asian characters or other obscure characters.
These coded character sets (ISO/IEC 8859-1, CP1252, CP437, and Mac OS Roman)
have many of the characters needed for several languages, such as French,
Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, German, etc..  There are also several
technical characters and graphical characters to choose from.

                          -=> Compact ASCII Table <=-
			       By Michael Walden
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dec Hex    Dec Hex    Dec Hex  Dec Hex  Dec Hex  Dec Hex   Dec Hex   Dec Hex
  0 00 NUL  16 10 DLE  32 20 SP 48 30 0  64 40 @  80 50 P   96 60 `  112 70 p
  1 01 SOH  17 11 DC1  33 21 !  49 31 1  65 41 A  81 51 Q   97 61 a  113 71 q
  2 02 STX  18 12 DC2  34 22 "  50 32 2  66 42 B  82 52 R   98 62 b  114 72 r
  3 03 ETX  19 13 DC3  35 23 #  51 33 3  67 43 C  83 53 S   99 63 c  115 73 s
  4 04 EOT  20 14 DC4  36 24 $  52 34 4  68 44 D  84 54 T  100 64 d  116 74 t
  5 05 ENQ  21 15 NAK  37 25 %  53 35 5  69 45 E  85 55 U  101 65 e  117 75 u
  6 06 ACK  22 16 SYN  38 26 &  54 36 6  70 46 F  86 56 V  102 66 f  118 76 v
  7 07 BEL  23 17 ETB  39 27 '  55 37 7  71 47 G  87 57 W  103 67 g  119 77 w
  8 08 BS   24 18 CAN  40 28 (  56 38 8  72 48 H  88 58 X  104 68 h  120 78 x
  9 09 HT   25 19 EM   41 29 )  57 39 9  73 49 I  89 59 Y  105 69 i  121 79 y
 10 0A LF   26 1A SUB  42 2A *  58 3A :  74 4A J  90 5A Z  106 6A j  122 7A z
 11 0B VT   27 1B ESC  43 2B +  59 3B ;  75 4B K  91 5B [  107 6B k  123 7B {
 12 0C FF   28 1C FS   44 2C ,  60 3C <  76 4C L  92 5C \  108 6C l  124 7C |
 13 0D CR   29 1D GS   45 2D -  61 3D =  77 4D M  93 5D ]  109 6D m  125 7D }
 14 0E SO   30 1E RS   46 2E .  62 3E >  78 4E N  94 5E ^  110 6E n  126 7E ~
 15 0F SI   31 1F US   47 2F /  63 3F ?  79 4F O  95 5F _  111 6F o  127 7F DEL
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here is an ASCII table that has a retro feel since it is mostly based on ANSI x3.4-1977:

                           -=> Full ASCII Table <=-
                            Based on ANSI x3.4-1977
                          Compiled By Michael Walden
|ASCII (C0) Control Characters                                                |
|Hx|Dec|Oct|Binary |NCR   |Entity   |Caret |Mnemonic and Meaning              |
 00 000 000 0000000 &#0;               ^@   NU NUL Null
 01 001 001 0000001 &#1;               ^A   SH SOH Start of Heading (CC)
 02 002 002 0000010 &#2;               ^B   SX STX Start of Text (CC)
 03 003 003 0000011 &#3;               ^C   EX ETX End of Text (CC) (Break)
 04 004 004 0000100 &#4;               ^D   ET EOT End of Transmission (CC)
 05 005 005 0000101 &#5;               ^E   EQ ENQ Enquiry (CC)
 06 006 006 0000110 &#6;               ^F   AK ACK Acknowledge (CC) (Acknowledgement)
 07 007 007 0000111 &#7;               ^G   BL BEL Bell (Audible Signal)
 08 008 010 0001000 &#8;               ^H   BS BS  Backspace (FE)
 09 009 011 0001001 &#9;   &Tab;       ^I   HT HT  Horizontal Tabulation (FE) (Horizontal Tab) (Tab)
 0A 010 012 0001010 &#10;  &NewLine;   ^J   LF LF  Line Feed (FE) (New Line (NL)) (End of Line (EOL))
 0B 011 013 0001011 &#11;              ^K   VT VT  Vertical Tabulation (FE) (Vertical Tab)
 0C 012 014 0001100 &#12;              ^L   FF FF  Form Feed (FE) (New Page (NP))
 0D 013 015 0001101 &#13;              ^M   CR CR  Carriage Return (FE)
 0E 014 016 0001110 &#14;              ^N   SO SO  Shift Out
 0F 015 017 0001111 &#15;              ^O   SI SI  Shift In
 10 016 020 0010000 &#16;              ^P   DL DLE Data Link Escape (CC)
 11 017 021 0010001 &#17;              ^Q   D1 DC1 Device Control 1 (XON)(Resume)
 12 018 022 0010010 &#18;              ^R   D2 DC2 Device Control 2
 13 019 023 0010011 &#19;              ^S   D3 DC3 Device Control 3 (XOFF)(Pause)
 14 020 024 0010100 &#20;              ^T   D4 DC4 Device Control 4
 15 021 025 0010101 &#21;              ^U   NK NAK Negative Acknowledge (CC) (Negative Acknowledgement)
 16 022 026 0010110 &#22;              ^V   SY SYN Synchronous Idle (CC)
 17 023 027 0010111 &#23;              ^W   EB ETB End of Transmission Block (CC)
 18 024 030 0011000 &#24;              ^X   CN CAN Cancel
 19 025 031 0011001 &#25;              ^Y   EM EM  End of Medium
 1A 026 032 0011010 &#26;              ^Z   SB SUB Substitute (DOS End-Of-File (EOF))
 1B 027 033 0011011 &#27;              ^[   EC ESC Escape (Esc)
 1C 028 034 0011100 &#28;              ^\   FS FS  File Separator (IS)
 1D 029 035 0011101 &#29;              ^]   GS GS  Group Separator (IS)
 1E 030 036 0011110 &#30;              ^^   RS RS  Record Separator (IS)
 1F 031 037 0011111 &#31;              ^_   US US  Unit Separator (IS)
 (CC) Communication Control; (FE) Format Effector; (IS) Information Separator
|ASCII Graphic Characters                                                     |
|Hx|Dec|Oct|Binary |NCR   |Entity   |Symbol|Name (with alternates)            |
 20 032 040 0100000 &#32;              SP   Space (Normally Non-printing)
 21 033 041 0100001 &#33;  &excl;      !    Exclamation Point (Exclamation Mark)
 22 034 042 0100010 &#34;  &quot;      "    Quotation Marks (Double Quote)
 23 035 043 0100011 &#35;  &num;       #    Number Sign (Hash) (Pound Sign (weight))
 24 036 044 0100100 &#36;  &dollar;    $    Dollar Sign
 25 037 045 0100101 &#37;  &percnt;    %    Percent Sign
 26 038 046 0100110 &#38;  &amp;       &    Ampersand (And)
 27 039 047 0100111 &#39;  &apos;      '    Apostrophe (Closing Single Quotation Mark; Acute Accent)
 28 040 050 0101000 &#40;  &lpar;      (    Opening Parenthesis (Left Parenthesis)
 29 041 051 0101001 &#41;  &rpar;      )    Closing Parenthesis (Right Parenthesis)
 2A 042 052 0101010 &#42;  &ast;       *    Asterisk (Star)
 2B 043 053 0101011 &#43;  &plus;      +    Plus
 2C 044 054 0101100 &#44;  &comma;     ,    Comma
 2D 045 055 0101101 &#45;              -    Hyphen (Hyphen) (Dash) (Minus Sign)
 2E 046 056 0101110 &#46;  &period;    .    Period (Period) (Dot) (Decimal Point)
 2F 047 057 0101111 &#47;  &sol;       /    Slant (Slash) (Forward Slash) (Virgule)
 30 048 060 0110000 &#48;              0    Digit Zero
 31 049 061 0110001 &#49;              1    Digit One
 32 050 062 0110010 &#50;              2    Digit Two
 33 051 063 0110011 &#51;              3    Digit Three
 34 052 064 0110100 &#52;              4    Digit Four
 35 053 065 0110101 &#53;              5    Digit Five
 36 054 066 0110110 &#54;              6    Digit Six
 37 055 067 0110111 &#55;              7    Digit Seven
 38 056 070 0111000 &#56;              8    Digit Eight
 39 057 071 0111001 &#57;              9    Digit Nine
 3A 058 072 0111010 &#58;  &colon;     :    Colon
 3B 059 073 0111011 &#59;  &semi;      ;    Semicolon
 3C 060 074 0111100 &#60;  &lt;        <    Less Than
 3D 061 075 0111101 &#61;  &equals;    =    Equals
 3E 062 076 0111110 &#62;  &gt;        >    Greater Than
 3F 063 077 0111111 &#63;  &quest;     ?    Question Mark
 40 064 100 1000000 &#64;  &commat;    @    Commercial At (At Sign)
 41 065 101 1000001 &#65;              A    Uppercase Latin Letter A
 42 066 102 1000010 &#66;              B    Uppercase Latin Letter B
 43 067 103 1000011 &#67;              C    Uppercase Latin Letter C
 44 068 104 1000100 &#68;              D    Uppercase Latin Letter D
 45 069 105 1000101 &#69;              E    Uppercase Latin Letter E
 46 070 106 1000110 &#70;              F    Uppercase Latin Letter F
 47 071 107 1000111 &#71;              G    Uppercase Latin Letter G
 48 072 110 1001000 &#72;              H    Uppercase Latin Letter H
 49 073 111 1001001 &#73;              I    Uppercase Latin Letter I
 4A 074 112 1001010 &#74;              J    Uppercase Latin Letter J
 4B 075 113 1001011 &#75;              K    Uppercase Latin Letter K
 4C 076 114 1001100 &#76;              L    Uppercase Latin Letter L
 4D 077 115 1001101 &#77;              M    Uppercase Latin Letter M
 4E 078 116 1001110 &#78;              N    Uppercase Latin Letter N
 4F 079 117 1001111 &#79;              O    Uppercase Latin Letter O
 50 080 120 1010000 &#80;              P    Uppercase Latin Letter P
 51 081 121 1010001 &#81;              Q    Uppercase Latin Letter Q
 52 082 122 1010010 &#82;              R    Uppercase Latin Letter R
 53 083 123 1010011 &#83;              S    Uppercase Latin Letter S
 54 084 124 1010100 &#84;              T    Uppercase Latin Letter T
 55 085 125 1010101 &#85;              U    Uppercase Latin Letter U
 56 086 126 1010110 &#86;              V    Uppercase Latin Letter V
 57 087 127 1010111 &#87;              W    Uppercase Latin Letter W
 58 088 130 1011000 &#88;              X    Uppercase Latin Letter X
 59 089 131 1011001 &#89;              Y    Uppercase Latin Letter Y
 5A 090 132 1011010 &#90;              Z    Uppercase Latin Letter Z
 5B 091 133 1011011 &#91;  &lsqb;      [    Opening Bracket (Left Square Bracket)
 5C 092 134 1011100 &#92;  &bsol;      \    Reverse Slant (Backslash)
 5D 093 135 1011101 &#93;  &rsqb;      ]    Closing Bracket (Right Square Bracket)
 5E 094 136 1011110 &#94;  &Hat;       ^    Circumflex (Caret)
 5F 095 137 1011111 &#95;  &lowbar;    _    Underline (Underscore)
 60 096 140 1100000 &#96;  &grave;     `    Opening Single Quotation Mark (Grave Accent)
 61 097 141 1100001 &#97;              a    Lowercase Latin Letter a
 62 098 142 1100010 &#98;              b    Lowercase Latin Letter b
 63 099 143 1100011 &#99;              c    Lowercase Latin Letter c
 64 100 144 1100100 &#100;             d    Lowercase Latin Letter d
 65 101 145 1100101 &#101;             e    Lowercase Latin Letter e
 66 102 146 1100110 &#102;             f    Lowercase Latin Letter f
 67 103 147 1100111 &#103;             g    Lowercase Latin Letter g
 68 104 150 1101000 &#104;             h    Lowercase Latin Letter h
 69 105 151 1101001 &#105;             i    Lowercase Latin Letter i
 6A 106 152 1101010 &#106;             j    Lowercase Latin Letter j
 6B 107 153 1101011 &#107;             k    Lowercase Latin Letter k
 6C 108 154 1101100 &#108;             l    Lowercase Latin Letter l
 6D 109 155 1101101 &#109;             m    Lowercase Latin Letter m
 6E 110 156 1101110 &#110;             n    Lowercase Latin Letter n
 6F 111 157 1101111 &#111;             o    Lowercase Latin Letter o
 70 112 160 1110000 &#112;             p    Lowercase Latin Letter p
 71 113 161 1110001 &#113;             q    Lowercase Latin Letter q
 72 114 162 1110010 &#114;             r    Lowercase Latin Letter r
 73 115 163 1110011 &#115;             s    Lowercase Latin Letter s
 74 116 164 1110100 &#116;             t    Lowercase Latin Letter t
 75 117 165 1110101 &#117;             u    Lowercase Latin Letter u
 76 118 166 1110110 &#118;             v    Lowercase Latin Letter v
 77 119 167 1110111 &#119;             w    Lowercase Latin Letter w
 78 120 170 1111000 &#120;             x    Lowercase Latin Letter x
 79 121 171 1111001 &#121;             y    Lowercase Latin Letter y
 7A 122 172 1111010 &#122;             z    Lowercase Latin Letter z
 7B 123 173 1111011 &#123; &lcub;      {    Opening Brace (Left Curly Bracket)
 7C 124 174 1111100 &#124; &verbar;    |    Vertical Line (Vertical Bar) (Pipe)
 7D 125 175 1111101 &#125; &rcub;      }    Closing Brace (Right Curly Bracket)
 7E 126 176 1111110 &#126;             ~    Tilde
 7F 127 177 1111111 &#127;             ^?   DT DEL Delete (Rubout)

Related information links:

FIPS PUB 1-2 1977 / ANSI x3.4-1977

ASCII - Wikipedia

ISO/IEC 646 - Wikipedia

C0 and C1 control codes - Wikipedia

ECMA-17, 1st Edition, November 1968 - Graphic representation of the control characters

Caret notation - Wikipedia

Software flow control (XOFF and XON) - Wikipedia

Numeric character reference (NCR)

Named character references (Entity)

Percent-encoding - Wikipedia

Lookup Tables - ASCII Table

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For a modern representation of the ASCII table with extended characters (a UNICODE subset):

             -=> ISO/IEC 8859-1 - ISO/IEC 8859-1:1998 / ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) <=-
                                     By Michael Walden
| ISO/IEC 8859-1 - C0 Controls                                                              |
|Hx|Dec|Oct| Binary |NCR   |Entity  |UTF-8 |UNICODE Description (with alternates)           |
 00 000 000 00000000 &#0;                   NUL NULL
 01 001 001 00000001 &#1;                   SOH START OF HEADING
 02 002 002 00000010 &#2;                   STX START OF TEXT
 03 003 003 00000011 &#3;                   ETX END OF TEXT
 04 004 004 00000100 &#4;                   EOT END OF TRANSMISSION
 05 005 005 00000101 &#5;                   ENQ ENQUIRY
 06 006 006 00000110 &#6;                   ACK ACKNOWLEDGE
 07 007 007 00000111 &#7;                   BEL BELL
 08 008 010 00001000 &#8;                   BS  BACKSPACE
 09 009 011 00001001 &#9;   &Tab;           HT  CHARACTER TABULATION (Horizontal Tabulation (HT)) (Tab)
 0A 010 012 00001010 &#10;  &NewLine;       LF  LINE FEED (LF) (New Line (NL)) (End of Line (EOL))
 0B 011 013 00001011 &#11;                  VT  LINE TABULATION (Vertical Tabulation (VT))
 0C 012 014 00001100 &#12;                  FF  FORM FEED (FF)
 0D 013 015 00001101 &#13;                  CR  CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)
 0E 014 016 00001110 &#14;                  SO  SHIFT OUT
 0F 015 017 00001111 &#15;                  SI  SHIFT IN
 10 016 020 00010000 &#16;                  DLE DATA LINK ESCAPE
 11 017 021 00010001 &#17;                  DC1 DEVICE CONTROL ONE
 12 018 022 00010010 &#18;                  DC2 DEVICE CONTROL TWO
 13 019 023 00010011 &#19;                  DC3 DEVICE CONTROL THREE
 14 020 024 00010100 &#20;                  DC4 DEVICE CONTROL FOUR
 15 021 025 00010101 &#21;                  NAK NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE
 16 022 026 00010110 &#22;                  SYN SYNCHRONOUS IDLE
 17 023 027 00010111 &#23;                  ETB END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK
 18 024 030 00011000 &#24;                  CAN CANCEL
 19 025 031 00011001 &#25;                  EM  END OF MEDIUM
 1A 026 032 00011010 &#26;                  SUB SUBSTITUTE
 1B 027 033 00011011 &#27;                  ESC ESCAPE
 1C 028 034 00011100 &#28;                  FS  INFORMATION SEPARATOR FOUR (File Separator (FS))
 1D 029 035 00011101 &#29;                  GS  INFORMATION SEPARATOR THREE (Group Separator (GS))
 1E 030 036 00011110 &#30;                  RS  INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO (Record Separator (RS))
 1F 031 037 00011111 &#31;                  US  INFORMATION SEPARATOR ONE (Unit Separator (US))
| ISO/IEC 8859-1 - Basic Latin                                                              |
|Hx|Dec|Oct| Binary |NCR   |Entity  |UTF-8 |UNICODE Description (with alternates)           |
 20 032 040 00100000 &#32;                  SPACE
 21 033 041 00100001 &#33;  &excl;     !    EXCLAMATION MARK (Exclamation Point)
 22 034 042 00100010 &#34;  &quot;     "    QUOTATION MARK (Double Quote)
 23 035 043 00100011 &#35;  &num;      #    NUMBER SIGN (Pound Sign (weight)) (Octothorpe) (Hash)
 24 036 044 00100100 &#36;  &dollar;   $    DOLLAR SIGN
 25 037 045 00100101 &#37;  &percnt;   %    PERCENT SIGN
 26 038 046 00100110 &#38;  &amp;      &    AMPERSAND (And)
 27 039 047 00100111 &#39;  &apos;     '    APOSTROPHE (Single Quote)
 28 040 050 00101000 &#40;  &lpar;     (    LEFT PARENTHESIS (Opening Parenthesis (1.0))
 29 041 051 00101001 &#41;  &rpar;     )    RIGHT PARENTHESIS (Closing Parenthesis (1.0))
 2A 042 052 00101010 &#42;  &ast;      *    ASTERISK (Star) (Multiply)
 2B 043 053 00101011 &#43;  &plus;     +    PLUS SIGN (Positive)
 2C 044 054 00101100 &#44;  &comma;    ,    COMMA
 2D 045 055 00101101 &#45;             -    HYPHEN-MINUS (Hyphen) (Dash) (Minus Sign) (Negative)
 2E 046 056 00101110 &#46;  &period;   .    FULL STOP (Period) (Dot) (Decimal Point)
 2F 047 057 00101111 &#47;  &sol;      /    SOLIDUS (Slash) (Slant) (Forward Slash) (Virgule) (Divide)
 30 048 060 00110000 &#48;             0    DIGIT ZERO
 31 049 061 00110001 &#49;             1    DIGIT ONE
 32 050 062 00110010 &#50;             2    DIGIT TWO
 33 051 063 00110011 &#51;             3    DIGIT THREE
 34 052 064 00110100 &#52;             4    DIGIT FOUR
 35 053 065 00110101 &#53;             5    DIGIT FIVE
 36 054 066 00110110 &#54;             6    DIGIT SIX
 37 055 067 00110111 &#55;             7    DIGIT SEVEN
 38 056 070 00111000 &#56;             8    DIGIT EIGHT
 39 057 071 00111001 &#57;             9    DIGIT NINE
 3A 058 072 00111010 &#58;  &colon;    :    COLON
 3B 059 073 00111011 &#59;  &semi;     ;    SEMICOLON
 3C 060 074 00111100 &#60;  &lt;       <    LESS-THAN SIGN (Left Angle Bracket)
 3D 061 075 00111101 &#61;  &equals;   =    EQUALS SIGN
 3E 062 076 00111110 &#62;  &gt;       >    GREATER-THAN SIGN (Right Angle Bracket)
 3F 063 077 00111111 &#63;  &quest;    ?    QUESTION MARK
 40 064 100 01000000 &#64;  &commat;   @    COMMERCIAL AT (At Sign)
 41 065 101 01000001 &#65;             A    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
 42 066 102 01000010 &#66;             B    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
 43 067 103 01000011 &#67;             C    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C
 44 068 104 01000100 &#68;             D    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
 45 069 105 01000101 &#69;             E    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E
 46 070 106 01000110 &#70;             F    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
 47 071 107 01000111 &#71;             G    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
 48 072 110 01001000 &#72;             H    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
 49 073 111 01001001 &#73;             I    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
 4A 074 112 01001010 &#74;             J    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J
 4B 075 113 01001011 &#75;             K    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K
 4C 076 114 01001100 &#76;             L    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L
 4D 077 115 01001101 &#77;             M    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M
 4E 078 116 01001110 &#78;             N    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N
 4F 079 117 01001111 &#79;             O    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O
 50 080 120 01010000 &#80;             P    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
 51 081 121 01010001 &#81;             Q    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
 52 082 122 01010010 &#82;             R    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
 53 083 123 01010011 &#83;             S    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
 54 084 124 01010100 &#84;             T    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
 55 085 125 01010101 &#85;             U    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U
 56 086 126 01010110 &#86;             V    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V
 57 087 127 01010111 &#87;             W    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W
 58 088 130 01011000 &#88;             X    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X
 59 089 131 01011001 &#89;             Y    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
 5A 090 132 01011010 &#90;             Z    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z
 5B 091 133 01011011 &#91;  &lsqb;     [    LEFT SQUARE BRACKET (Opening Square Bracket (1.0)) (Opening Bracket)
 5C 092 134 01011100 &#92;  &bsol;     \    REVERSE SOLIDUS (Backslash) (Reverse Slant)
 5D 093 135 01011101 &#93;  &rsqb;     ]    RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET (Closing Square Bracket (1.0)) (Closing Bracket)
 5E 094 136 01011110 &#94;  &Hat;      ^    CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT (Circumflex) (Caret)
 5F 095 137 01011111 &#95;  &lowbar;   _    LOW LINE (Spacing Underscore (1.0)) (Underline) (Underscore)
 60 096 140 01100000 &#96;  &grave;    `    GRAVE ACCENT
 61 097 141 01100001 &#97;             a    LATIN SMALL LETTER A
 62 098 142 01100010 &#98;             b    LATIN SMALL LETTER B
 63 099 143 01100011 &#99;             c    LATIN SMALL LETTER C
 64 100 144 01100100 &#100;            d    LATIN SMALL LETTER D
 65 101 145 01100101 &#101;            e    LATIN SMALL LETTER E
 66 102 146 01100110 &#102;            f    LATIN SMALL LETTER F
 67 103 147 01100111 &#103;            g    LATIN SMALL LETTER G
 68 104 150 01101000 &#104;            h    LATIN SMALL LETTER H
 69 105 151 01101001 &#105;            i    LATIN SMALL LETTER I
 6A 106 152 01101010 &#106;            j    LATIN SMALL LETTER J
 6B 107 153 01101011 &#107;            k    LATIN SMALL LETTER K
 6C 108 154 01101100 &#108;            l    LATIN SMALL LETTER L
 6D 109 155 01101101 &#109;            m    LATIN SMALL LETTER M
 6E 110 156 01101110 &#110;            n    LATIN SMALL LETTER N
 6F 111 157 01101111 &#111;            o    LATIN SMALL LETTER O
 70 112 160 01110000 &#112;            p    LATIN SMALL LETTER P
 71 113 161 01110001 &#113;            q    LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
 72 114 162 01110010 &#114;            r    LATIN SMALL LETTER R
 73 115 163 01110011 &#115;            s    LATIN SMALL LETTER S
 74 116 164 01110100 &#116;            t    LATIN SMALL LETTER T
 75 117 165 01110101 &#117;            u    LATIN SMALL LETTER U
 76 118 166 01110110 &#118;            v    LATIN SMALL LETTER V
 77 119 167 01110111 &#119;            w    LATIN SMALL LETTER W
 78 120 170 01111000 &#120;            x    LATIN SMALL LETTER X
 79 121 171 01111001 &#121;            y    LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
 7A 122 172 01111010 &#122;            z    LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
 7B 123 173 01111011 &#123; &lcub;     {    LEFT CURLY BRACKET (Opening Brace) (Opening Curly Bracket (1.0)) (Left Brace)
 7C 124 174 01111100 &#124; &verbar;   |    VERTICAL LINE (Vertical Bar) (Bar) (Logical-or) (Pipe)
 7D 125 175 01111101 &#125; &rcub;     }    RIGHT CURLY BRACKET (Closing Brace) (Closing Curly Bracket (1.0)) (Right Brace)
 7E 126 176 01111110 &#126;            ~    TILDE
 7F 127 177 01111111 &#127;                 DEL DELETE
| ISO/IEC 8859-1 - C1 Controls [1]                                                          |
|Hx|Dec|Oct| Binary |NCR   |Entity  |UTF-8 |UNICODE Description (with alternates)           |
 80 128 200 10000000 &#128;                 XXX <control>                                  (formerly known as PAD Padding Character)
 81 129 201 10000001 &#129;                 XXX <control>                                  (formerly known as HOP High Octet Preset)
 82 130 202 10000010 &#130;                 BPH BREAK PERMITTED HERE
 83 131 203 10000011 &#131;                 NBH NO BREAK HERE
 84 132 204 10000100 &#132;                 IND <control> (formerly known as INDEX)
 85 133 205 10000101 &#133;                 NEL NEXT LINE (NEL)
 86 134 206 10000110 &#134;                 SSA START OF SELECTED AREA
 87 135 207 10000111 &#135;                 ESA END OF SELECTED AREA
 88 136 210 10001000 &#136;                 HTS CHARACTER TABULATION SET                   (Horizontal Tabulation Set)
 89 137 211 10001001 &#137;                 HTJ CHARACTER TABULATION WITH JUSTIFICATION    (Horizontal Tabulation with Justification)
 8A 138 212 10001010 &#138;                 VTS LINE TABULATION SET                        (Vertical Tabulation Set)
 8B 139 213 10001011 &#139;                 PLD PARTIAL LINE FORWARD                       (Partial Line Down)
 8C 140 214 10001100 &#140;                 PLU PARTIAL LINE BACKWARD                      (Partial Line Up)
 8D 141 215 10001101 &#141;                 RI  REVERSE LINE FEED                          (Reverse Index)
 8E 142 216 10001110 &#142;                 SS2 SINGLE SHIFT TWO
 8F 143 217 10001111 &#143;                 SS3 SINGLE SHIFT THREE
 90 144 220 10010000 &#144;                 DCS DEVICE CONTROL STRING
 91 145 221 10010001 &#145;                 PU1 PRIVATE USE ONE
 92 146 222 10010010 &#146;                 PU2 PRIVATE USE TWO
 93 147 223 10010011 &#147;                 STS SET TRANSMIT STATE
 94 148 224 10010100 &#148;                 CCH CANCEL CHARACTER
 95 149 225 10010101 &#149;                 MW  MESSAGE WAITING
 96 150 226 10010110 &#150;                 SPA START OF GUARDED AREA                      (Start of Protected Area)
 97 151 227 10010111 &#151;                 EPA END OF GUARDED AREA                        (End of Protected Area)
 98 152 230 10011000 &#152;                 SOS START OF STRING
 99 153 231 10011001 &#153;                 XXX <control>                                  (formerly known as SGCI Single Graphic Character Introducer)
 9A 154 232 10011010 &#154;                 SCI SINGLE CHARACTER INTRODUCER
 9B 155 233 10011011 &#155;                 CSI CONTROL SEQUENCE INTRODUCER
 9C 156 234 10011100 &#156;                 ST  STRING TERMINATOR
 9D 157 235 10011101 &#157;                 OSC OPERATING SYSTEM COMMAND
 9E 158 236 10011110 &#158;                 PM  PRIVACY MESSAGE
 9F 159 237 10011111 &#159;                 APC APPLICATION PROGRAM COMMAND
| ISO/IEC 8859-1 - Latin-1 Supplement                                                       |
|Hx|Dec|Oct| Binary |NCR   |Entity  |UTF-8 |UNICODE Description (with alternates)           |
 A0 160 240 10100000 &#160; &nbsp;          NO-BREAK SPACE (Non-Breaking Space) (Blank) (NBSP)
 A1 161 241 10100001 &#161; &iexcl;    ¡    INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
 A2 162 242 10100010 &#162; &cent;     ¢    CENT SIGN
 A3 163 243 10100011 &#163; &pound;    £    POUND SIGN (Pound Sterling)
 A4 164 244 10100100 &#164; &curren;   ¤    CURRENCY SIGN
 A5 165 245 10100101 &#165; &yen;      ¥    YEN SIGN (Yuan Sign) (Renminbi)
 A6 166 246 10100110 &#166; &brvbar;   ¦    BROKEN BAR (Broken Vertical Bar (1.0))
 A7 167 247 10100111 &#167; &sect;     §    SECTION SIGN
 A8 168 250 10101000 &#168; &uml;      ¨    DIAERESIS
 A9 169 251 10101001 &#169; &copy;     ©    COPYRIGHT SIGN
 AA 170 252 10101010 &#170; &ordf;     ª    FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR (a Bar)
 AB 171 253 10101011 &#171; &laquo;    «    LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (Left Angle Quotes) (Double Less Than) (Left Pointing Guillemet)
 AC 172 254 10101100 &#172; &not;      ¬    NOT SIGN (Angled Dash (in typography)) (Logical Not) (End of Line)
 AD 173 255 10101101 &#173; &shy;      ­     SHY SOFT HYPHEN
 AE 174 256 10101110 &#174; &reg;      ®    REGISTERED SIGN (Registered Trade Mark Sign (1.0))
 AF 175 257 10101111 &#175; &macr;     ¯    MACRON (Overline) (APL Overbar)
 B0 176 260 10110000 &#176; &deg;      °    DEGREE SIGN
 B1 177 261 10110001 &#177; &plusmn;   ±    PLUS-MINUS SIGN (Plus-or-Minus Sign)
 B2 178 262 10110010 &#178; &sup2;     ²    SUPERSCRIPT TWO (Squared)
 B3 179 263 10110011 &#179; &sup3;     ³    SUPERSCRIPT THREE (Cubed)
 B4 180 264 10110100 &#180; &acute;    ´    ACUTE ACCENT
 B5 181 265 10110101 &#181; &micro;    µ    MICRO SIGN (Greek mu)
 B6 182 266 10110110 &#182; &para;     ¶    PILCROW SIGN (Paragraph Sign)
 B7 183 267 10110111 &#183; &middot;   ·    MIDDLE DOT
 B8 184 270 10111000 &#184; &cedil;    ¸    CEDILLA
 B9 185 271 10111001 &#185; &sup1;     ¹    SUPERSCRIPT ONE
 BA 186 272 10111010 &#186; &ordm;     º    MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR (o Bar)
 BB 187 273 10111011 &#187; &raquo;    »    RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (Right Angle Quotes) (Double Greater Than) (Right Pointing Guillemet)
 BC 188 274 10111100 &#188; &frac14;   ¼    VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER (1/4)
 BD 189 275 10111101 &#189; &frac12;   ½    VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF (1/2)
 BE 190 276 10111110 &#190; &frac34;   ¾    VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS (3/4)
 BF 191 277 10111111 &#191; &iquest;   ¿    INVERTED QUESTION MARK
 C0 192 300 11000000 &#192; &Agrave;   À    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
 C1 193 301 11000001 &#193; &Aacute;   Á    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
 C2 194 302 11000010 &#194; &Acirc;    Â    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 C3 195 303 11000011 &#195; &Atilde;   Ã    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
 C4 196 304 11000100 &#196; &Auml;     Ä    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
 C5 197 305 11000101 &#197; &Aring;    Å    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE (Angstrom)
 C6 198 306 11000110 &#198; &AElig;    Æ    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE (AE Dipthong) (Ligature AE)
 C7 199 307 11000111 &#199; &Ccedil;   Ç    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
 C8 200 310 11001000 &#200; &Egrave;   È    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
 C9 201 311 11001001 &#201; &Eacute;   É    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
 CA 202 312 11001010 &#202; &Ecirc;    Ê    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 CB 203 313 11001011 &#203; &Euml;     Ë    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
 CC 204 314 11001100 &#204; &Igrave;   Ì    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
 CD 205 315 11001101 &#205; &Iacute;   Í    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
 CE 206 316 11001110 &#206; &Icirc;    Î    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 CF 207 317 11001111 &#207; &Iuml;     Ï    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
 D0 208 320 11010000 &#208; &ETH;      Ð    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH
 D1 209 321 11010001 &#209; &Ntilde;   Ñ    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
 D2 210 322 11010010 &#210; &Ograve;   Ò    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
 D3 211 323 11010011 &#211; &Oacute;   Ó    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
 D4 212 324 11010100 &#212; &Ocirc;    Ô    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 D5 213 325 11010101 &#213; &Otilde;   Õ    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
 D6 214 326 11010110 &#214; &Ouml;     Ö    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
 D7 215 327 11010111 &#215; &times;    ×    MULTIPLICATION SIGN (Multiply Sign)
 D8 216 330 11011000 &#216; &Oslash;   Ø    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE (O Slash)
 D9 217 331 11011001 &#217; &Ugrave;   Ù    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
 DA 218 332 11011010 &#218; &Uacute;   Ú    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
 DB 219 333 11011011 &#219; &Ucirc;    Û    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 DC 220 334 11011100 &#220; &Uuml;     Ü    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
 DD 221 335 11011101 &#221; &Yacute;   Ý    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
 DE 222 336 11011110 &#222; &THORN;    Þ    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
 DF 223 337 11011111 &#223; &szlig;    ß    LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S (Eszett)
 E0 224 340 11100000 &#224; &agrave;   à    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
 E1 225 341 11100001 &#225; &aacute;   á    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
 E2 226 342 11100010 &#226; &acirc;    â    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 E3 227 343 11100011 &#227; &atilde;   ã    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
 E4 228 344 11100100 &#228; &auml;     ä    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
 E5 229 345 11100101 &#229; &aring;    å    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
 E6 230 346 11100110 &#230; &aelig;    æ    LATIN SMALL LETTER AE (ae Dipthong) (Ligature ae)
 E7 231 347 11100111 &#231; &ccedil;   ç    LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
 E8 232 350 11101000 &#232; &egrave;   è    LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
 E9 233 351 11101001 &#233; &eacute;   é    LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
 EA 234 352 11101010 &#234; &ecirc;    ê    LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 EB 235 353 11101011 &#235; &euml;     ë    LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
 EC 236 354 11101100 &#236; &igrave;   ì    LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
 ED 237 355 11101101 &#237; &iacute;   í    LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
 EE 238 356 11101110 &#238; &icirc;    î    LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 EF 239 357 11101111 &#239; &iuml;     ï    LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
 F0 240 360 11110000 &#240; &eth;      ð    LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH
 F1 241 361 11110001 &#241; &ntilde;   ñ    LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
 F2 242 362 11110010 &#242; &ograve;   ò    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
 F3 243 363 11110011 &#243; &oacute;   ó    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
 F4 244 364 11110100 &#244; &ocirc;    ô    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 F5 245 365 11110101 &#245; &otilde;   õ    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
 F6 246 366 11110110 &#246; &ouml;     ö    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
 F7 247 367 11110111 &#247; &divide;   ÷    DIVISION SIGN (Divide Sign)
 F8 248 370 11111000 &#248; &oslash;   ø    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE (o Slash)
 F9 249 371 11111001 &#249; &ugrave;   ù    LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
 FA 250 372 11111010 &#250; &uacute;   ú    LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
 FB 251 373 11111011 &#251; &ucirc;    û    LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 FC 252 374 11111100 &#252; &uuml;     ü    LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
 FD 253 375 11111101 &#253; &yacute;   ý    LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
 FE 254 376 11111110 &#254; &thorn;    þ    LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN
 FF 255 377 11111111 &#255; &yuml;     ÿ    LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS

[1] In Mozilla Firefox the C1 Controls (hex 80 to 9F) are interpreted as CP1252.
    This, I believe, is due to there having been a history of confusion between
    ISO/IEC 8859-1 and CP1252.  So, Firefox will correctly display an
    incorrectly encoded CP1252 (as ISO/IEC 8859-1) web page.


- Any ISO/IEC 8859-1 Latin-1 supplement characters that have "Diaeresis" may
also be referred to as German "Umlaut" characters.

Related information links:

ISO/IEC 8859-1 - Wikipedia

UNICODE C0 Controls and Basic Latin

UNICODE C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement

UNICODE 15.0.0 final names list

C0 and C1 control codes - Wikipedia

ECMA-48 - Control functions for coded character sets
 (This document describes the purpose and use of C0 and C1 control codes)

Latin-1 Supplement (Unicode block) - Wikipedia

DEC Multinational Character Set (MCS) (ISO/IEC 8859-1 predecessor) - Wikipedia

Extended ASCII - Wikipedia

Character encoding - Wikipedia

Character encodings in HTML - Wikipedia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                 -=> CP1252 - Windows-1252 / Code Page 1252 / WinLatin1 <=-
                      In the C1 Controls Range (superset of ISO 8859-1)
                                      By Michael Walden
|      CP1252       |                                 UNICODE                               |
|Hx|Dec|Oct| Binary |Hex |Dec |Entity  |UTF-8 |Description (with alternates)                |
 80 128 200 10000000 20AC 8364 &euro;     €    EURO SIGN                                 
 81 129 201 10000001                             
 82 130 202 10000010 201A 8218 &sbquo;    ‚    SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
 83 131 203 10000011 0192 402  &fnof;     ƒ    LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK (Florin) (Gulden)
 84 132 204 10000100 201E 8222 &bdquo;    „    DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
 85 133 205 10000101 2026 8230 &hellip;   …    HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
 86 134 206 10000110 2020 8224 &dagger;   †    DAGGER
 87 135 207 10000111 2021 8225 &Dagger;   ‡    DOUBLE DAGGER
 88 136 210 10001000 02C6 710  &circ;     ˆ    MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
 89 137 211 10001001 2030 8240 &permil;   ‰    PER MILLE SIGN (Perthousand)
 8A 138 212 10001010 0160 352  &Scaron;   Š    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
 8B 139 213 10001011 2039 8249 &lsaquo;   ‹    SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
 8C 140 214 10001100 0152 338  &OElig;    Œ    LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE
 8D 141 215 10001101                             
 8E 142 216 10001110 017D 381  &#381;     Ž    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
 8F 143 217 10001111                             
 90 144 220 10010000                             
 91 145 221 10010001 2018 8216 &lsquo;    ‘    LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK  (Opening Single Quote)
 92 146 222 10010010 2019 8217 &rsquo;    ’    RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (Closing Single Quote)
 93 147 223 10010011 201C 8220 &ldquo;    “    LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK  (Opening Double Quote)
 94 148 224 10010100 201D 8221 &rdquo;    ”    RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (Closing Double Quote)
 95 149 225 10010101 2022 8226 &bull;     •    BULLET
 96 150 226 10010110 2013 8211 &ndash;    –    EN DASH
 97 151 227 10010111 2014 8212 &mdash;    —    EM DASH
 98 152 230 10011000 02DC 732  &tilde;    ˜    SMALL TILDE
 99 153 231 10011001 2122 8482 &trade;    ™    TRADE MARK SIGN
 9A 154 232 10011010 0161 353  &scaron;   š    LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
 9B 155 233 10011011 203A 8250 &rsaquo;   ›    SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
 9C 156 234 10011100 0153 339  &oelig;    œ    LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE
 9D 157 235 10011101                             
 9E 158 236 10011110 017E 382  &#382;     ž    LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
 9F 159 237 10011111 0178 376  &Yuml;     Ÿ    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS


- For CP1252 hex 00-7F and A0-FF characters see the ISO/IEC 8859-1 table.

- Microsoft extended the ISO/IEC 8859-1 coded character set by adding characters in the C1
Controls range (hex 80 to 9f) and called the result Code Page 1252.

Related information links:

Windows-1252 - Wikipedia
Windows code page - Wikipedia

cp1252 to Unicode table

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

             -=> CP437 - Code page 437 / IBM PC Extended Character Set (ECS) <=-
                                     By Michael Walden
|CP437 00-1F, 7C, 7F|                                 UNICODE                               |
|Hx|Dec|Oct| Binary |Hex |Dec |Entity  |UTF-8 |Description (with alternates)                |
 00 000 000 00000000 00A0 160  &#160;          NO-BREAK SPACE (Non-Breaking Space) (NBSP) (Blank)
 01 001 001 00000001 263A 9786 &#9786;    ☺    WHITE SMILING FACE
 02 002 002 00000010 263B 9787 &#9787;    ☻    BLACK SMILING FACE
 03 003 003 00000011 2665 9829 &#9829;    ♥    BLACK HEART SUIT
 04 004 004 00000100 2666 9830 &#9830;    ♦    BLACK DIAMOND SUIT
 05 005 005 00000101 2663 9827 &#9827;    ♣    BLACK CLUB SUIT
 06 006 006 00000110 2660 9824 &#9824;    ♠    BLACK SPADE SUIT
 07 007 007 00000111 2022 8226 &#8226;    •    BULLET
 08 008 010 00001000 25D8 9688 &#9688;    ◘    INVERSE BULLET
 09 009 011 00001001 25CB 9675 &#9675;    ○    WHITE CIRCLE
 0A 010 012 00001010 25D9 9689 &#9689;    ◙    INVERSE WHITE CIRCLE
 0B 011 013 00001011 2642 9794 &#9794;    ♂    MALE SIGN
 0C 012 014 00001100 2640 9792 &#9792;    ♀    FEMALE SIGN
 0D 013 015 00001101                           MUSICAL SYMBOL SIXTEENTH NOTE                    CORRECT - BUT NOT WIDELY SUPPORTED [1]
                     266A 9834 &#9834;    ♪    EIGHTH NOTE                                      INCORRECT - BUT WIDELY SUPPORTED
 0E 014 016 00001110 266C 9836 &#9836;    ♬    BEAMED SIXTEENTH NOTES                           CORRECT
                     266B 9835 &#9835;    ♫    BEAMED EIGHTH NOTES                              INCORRECT
 0F 015 017 00001111 263C 9788 &#9788;    ☼    WHITE SUN WITH RAYS
 10 016 020 00010000 25B6 9654 &#9654;    ▶    BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE                    CORRECT - BUT NOT WIDELY SUPPORTED
                     25BA 9658 &#9658;    ►    BLACK RIGHT-POINTING POINTER                     INCORRECT - BUT WIDELY SUPPORTED
 11 017 021 00010001 25C0 9664 &#9664;    ◀    BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE                     CORRECT - BUT NOT WIDELY SUPPORTED
                     25C4 9668 &#9668;    ◄    BLACK LEFT-POINTING POINTER                      INCORRECT - BUT WIDELY SUPPORTED
 12 018 022 00010010 2195 8597 &#8597;    ↕    UP DOWN ARROW
 13 019 023 00010011 203C 8252 &#8252;    ‼    DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK
 14 020 024 00010100 00B6 182  &#182;     ¶    PILCROW SIGN (Paragraph Sign)
 15 021 025 00010101 00A7 167  &#167;     §    SECTION SIGN
 16 022 026 00010110 25AC 9644 &#9644;    ▬    BLACK RECTANGLE (Thick Horizontal Line)
 17 023 027 00010111 21A8 8616 &#8616;    ↨    UP DOWN ARROW WITH BASE
 18 024 030 00011000 2191 8593 &#8593;    ↑    UPWARDS ARROW
 19 025 031 00011001 2193 8595 &#8595;    ↓    DOWNWARDS ARROW
 1A 026 032 00011010 2192 8594 &#8594;    →    RIGHTWARDS ARROW
 1B 027 033 00011011 2190 8592 &#8592;    ←    LEFTWARDS ARROW
 1C 028 034 00011100 2319 8985 &#8985;    ⌙    TURNED NOT SIGN (line marker)                    CORRECT
                     221F 8735 &#8735;    ∟    RIGHT ANGLE                                      INCORRECT
 1D 029 035 00011101 2194 8596 &#8596;    ↔    LEFT RIGHT ARROW
 1E 030 036 00011110 25B2 9650 &#9650;    ▲    BLACK UP-POINTING TRIANGLE
 1F 031 037 00011111 25BC 9660 &#9660;    ▼    BLACK DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE
 7C 124 174 01111100 00A6 166  &brvbar;   ¦    BROKEN BAR                                       CORRECT
                     007C 124  &verbar;   |    VERTICAL LINE (Vertical Bar) (Bar)               INCORRECT
 7F 127 177 01111111 2302 8962 &#8962;    ⌂    HOUSE                                            CORRECT
                     0394 916  &Delta;    Δ    GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA                       INCORRECT
|    CP437 80-FF    |                                 UNICODE                               |
|Hx|Dec|Oct| Binary |Hex |Dec |Entity  |UTF-8 |Description (with alternates)                |
 80 128 200 10000000 00C7 199  &Ccedil;   Ç    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
 81 129 201 10000001 00FC 252  &uuml;     ü    LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
 82 130 202 10000010 00E9 233  &eacute;   é    LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
 83 131 203 10000011 00E2 226  &acirc;    â    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 84 132 204 10000100 00E4 228  &auml;     ä    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
 85 133 205 10000101 00E0 224  &agrave;   à    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
 86 134 206 10000110 00E5 229  &aring;    å    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
 87 135 207 10000111 00E7 231  &ccedil;   ç    LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
 88 136 210 10001000 00EA 234  &ecirc;    ê    LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 89 137 211 10001001 00EB 235  &euml;     ë    LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
 8A 138 212 10001010 00E8 232  &egrave;   è    LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
 8B 139 213 10001011 00EF 239  &iuml;     ï    LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
 8C 140 214 10001100 00EE 238  &icirc;    î    LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 8D 141 215 10001101 00EC 236  &igrave;   ì    LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
 8E 142 216 10001110 00C4 196  &Auml;     Ä    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
 8F 143 217 10001111 00C5 197  &Aring;    Å    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE (Angstrom)
 90 144 220 10010000 00C9 201  &Eacute;   É    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
 91 145 221 10010001 00E6 230  &aelig;    æ    LATIN SMALL LETTER AE (ae Dipthong) (Ligature ae)
 92 146 222 10010010 00C6 198  &AElig;    Æ    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE (AE Dipthong) (Ligature AE)
 93 147 223 10010011 00F4 244  &ocirc;    ô    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 94 148 224 10010100 00F6 246  &ouml;     ö    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
 95 149 225 10010101 00F2 242  &ograve;   ò    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
 96 150 226 10010110 00FB 251  &ucirc;    û    LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 97 151 227 10010111 00F9 249  &ugrave;   ù    LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
 98 152 230 10011000 00FF 255  &yuml;     ÿ    LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
 99 153 231 10011001 00D6 214  &Ouml;     Ö    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
 9A 154 232 10011010 00DC 220  &Uuml;     Ü    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
 9B 155 233 10011011 00A2 162  &cent;     ¢    CENT SIGN
 9C 156 234 10011100 00A3 163  &pound;    £    POUND SIGN (Pound Sterling)
 9D 157 235 10011101 00A5 165  &yen;      ¥    YEN SIGN (Yuan Sign) (Renminbi)
 9E 158 236 10011110 20A7 8359 &#8359;    ₧    PESETA SIGN
 9F 159 237 10011111 0192 402  &fnof;     ƒ    LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK (Florin) (Gulden) (Function Symbol)
 A0 160 240 10100000 00E1 225  &aacute;   á    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
 A1 161 241 10100001 00ED 237  &iacute;   í    LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
 A2 162 242 10100010 00F3 243  &oacute;   ó    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
 A3 163 243 10100011 00FA 250  &uacute;   ú    LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
 A4 164 244 10100100 00F1 241  &ntilde;   ñ    LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
 A5 165 245 10100101 00D1 209  &Ntilde;   Ñ    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
 A6 166 246 10100110 00AA 170  &ordf;     ª    FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR (a Bar)
 A7 167 247 10100111 00BA 186  &ordm;     º    MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR (o Bar)
 A8 168 250 10101000 00BF 191  &iquest;   ¿    INVERTED QUESTION MARK
 A9 169 251 10101001 2310 8976 &#8976;    ⌐    REVERSED NOT SIGN (Left Not) (Start of Line) (Beginning of Line)
 AA 170 252 10101010 00AC 172  &not;      ¬    NOT SIGN (Logical Not) (End of Line) (Angled Dash (in Typography))
 AB 171 253 10101011 00BD 189  &frac12;   ½    VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF (1/2)
 AC 172 254 10101100 00BC 188  &frac14;   ¼    VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER (1/4)
 AD 173 255 10101101 00A1 161  &iexcl;    ¡    INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
 AE 174 256 10101110 00AB 171  &laquo;    «    LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (Left Angle Quotes) (Double Less Than) (Left Pointing Guillemet)
 AF 175 257 10101111 00BB 187  &raquo;    »    RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (Right Angle Quotes) (Double Greater Than) (Right Pointing Guillemet)
 B0 176 260 10110000 2591 9617 &#9617;    ░    LIGHT SHADE (25% Fill)
 B1 177 261 10110001 2592 9618 &#9618;    ▒    MEDIUM SHADE (50% Fill)
 B2 178 262 10110010 2593 9619 &#9619;    ▓    DARK SHADE (75% Fill)
 B3 179 263 10110011 2502 9474 &#9474;    │    BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL
 B4 180 264 10110100 2524 9508 &#9508;    ┤    BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND LEFT
 B5 181 265 10110101 2561 9569 &#9569;    ╡    BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE
 B6 182 266 10110110 2562 9570 &#9570;    ╢    BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE
 B7 183 267 10110111 2556 9558 &#9558;    ╖    BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE
 B8 184 270 10111000 2555 9557 &#9557;    ╕    BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE
 B9 185 271 10111001 2563 9571 &#9571;    ╣    BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND LEFT
 BA 186 272 10111010 2551 9553 &#9553;    ║    BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL
 BB 187 273 10111011 2557 9559 &#9559;    ╗    BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND LEFT
 BC 188 274 10111100 255D 9565 &#9565;    ╝    BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND LEFT
 BD 189 275 10111101 255C 9564 &#9564;    ╜    BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE
 BE 190 276 10111110 255B 9563 &#9563;    ╛    BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE
 BF 191 277 10111111 2510 9488 &#9488;    ┐    BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND LEFT
 C0 192 300 11000000 2514 9492 &#9492;    └    BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT
 C1 193 301 11000001 2534 9524 &#9524;    ┴    BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HORIZONTAL
 C2 194 302 11000010 252C 9516 &#9516;    ┬    BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND HORIZONTAL
 C3 195 303 11000011 251C 9500 &#9500;    ├    BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT
 C4 196 304 11000100 2500 9472 &#9472;    ─    BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL
 C5 197 305 11000101 253C 9532 &#9532;    ┼    BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL
 C6 198 306 11000110 255E 9566 &#9566;    ╞    BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE
 C7 199 307 11000111 255F 9567 &#9567;    ╟    BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE
 C8 200 310 11001000 255A 9562 &#9562;    ╚    BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND RIGHT
 C9 201 311 11001001 2554 9556 &#9556;    ╔    BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND RIGHT
 CA 202 312 11001010 2569 9577 &#9577;    ╩    BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND HORIZONTAL
 CB 203 313 11001011 2566 9574 &#9574;    ╦    BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND HORIZONTAL
 CC 204 314 11001100 2560 9568 &#9568;    ╠    BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND RIGHT
 CD 205 315 11001101 2550 9552 &#9552;    ═    BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE HORIZONTAL
 CE 206 316 11001110 256C 9580 &#9580;    ╬    BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL
 CF 207 317 11001111 2567 9575 &#9575;    ╧    BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE
 D0 208 320 11010000 2568 9576 &#9576;    ╨    BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE
 D1 209 321 11010001 2564 9572 &#9572;    ╤    BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE
 D2 210 322 11010010 2565 9573 &#9573;    ╥    BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE
 D3 211 323 11010011 2559 9561 &#9561;    ╙    BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE
 D4 212 324 11010100 2558 9560 &#9560;    ╘    BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE
 D5 213 325 11010101 2552 9554 &#9554;    ╒    BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE
 D6 214 326 11010110 2553 9555 &#9555;    ╓    BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE
 D7 215 327 11010111 256B 9579 &#9579;    ╫    BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE
 D8 216 330 11011000 256A 9578 &#9578;    ╪    BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE
 D9 217 331 11011001 2518 9496 &#9496;    ┘    BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND LEFT
 DA 218 332 11011010 250C 9484 &#9484;    ┌    BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND RIGHT
 DB 219 333 11011011 2588 9608 &#9608;    █    FULL BLOCK (100% Fill) (Solid)
 DC 220 334 11011100 2584 9604 &#9604;    ▄    LOWER HALF BLOCK
 DD 221 335 11011101 258C 9612 &#9612;    ▌    LEFT HALF BLOCK
 DE 222 336 11011110 2590 9616 &#9616;    ▐    RIGHT HALF BLOCK
 DF 223 337 11011111 2580 9600 &#9600;    ▀    UPPER HALF BLOCK
 E0 224 340 11100000 03B1 945  &alpha;    α    GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA                         CORRECT
                     221D 8733 &prop;     ∝    PROPORTIONAL TO                                  INCORRECT
 E1 225 341 11100001 03B2 946  &beta;     β    GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA                          CORRECT
                     00DF 223  &szlig;    ß    LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S                       INCORRECT
 E2 226 342 11100010 0393 915  &Gamma;    Γ    GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
 E3 227 343 11100011 03C0 960  &pi;       π    GREEK SMALL LETTER PI
 E4 228 344 11100100 03A3 931  &Sigma;    Σ    GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
 E5 229 345 11100101 03C3 963  &sigma;    σ    GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA
 E6 230 346 11100110 03BC 956  &mu;       μ    GREEK SMALL LETTER MU                            CORRECT
                     00B5 181  &micro;    µ    MICRO SIGN                                       INCORRECT
 E7 231 347 11100111 03B3 947  &gamma;    γ    GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA                         CORRECT
                     03C4 964  &tau;      τ    GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU                           INCORRECT
 E8 232 350 11101000 03A6 934  &Phi;      Φ    GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI
 E9 233 351 11101001 03B8 952  &theta;    θ    GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA                         CORRECT
                     0398 920  &Theta;    Θ    GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA                       INCORRECT
 EA 234 352 11101010 03A9 937  &Omega;    Ω    GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA                       CORRECT
                     2126 8486 &#8486;    Ω    OHM SIGN                                         INCORRECT
 EB 235 353 11101011 03B4 948  &delta;    δ    GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA
 EC 236 354 11101100 221E 8734 &infin;    ∞    INFINITY (Lemniscate)
 ED 237 355 11101101 2205 8709 &empty;    ∅    EMPTY SET (Null Set)                             CORRECT - BUT NOT WIDELY SUPPORTED
                     03C6 966  &phi;      φ    GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI                           INCORRECT - BUT WIDELY SUPPORTED
                     00F8 248  &oslash;   ø    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE                 INCORRECT - BUT WIDELY SUPPORTED
 EE 238 356 11101110 2208 8712 &isin;     ∈    ELEMENT OF                                       CORRECT - BUT NOT WIDELY SUPPORTED
                     03B5 949  &epsi;     ε    GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON                       INCORRECT - BUT WIDELY SUPPORTED
                     0404 1028 &#1028;    Є    CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE             INCORRECT - BUT WIDELY SUPPORTED
 EF 239 357 11101111 2229 8745 &cap;      ∩    INTERSECTION
 F0 240 360 11110000 2261 8801 &equiv;    ≡    IDENTICAL TO (Is Equivalent) (Equivalence)
 F1 241 361 11110001 00B1 177  &plusmn;   ±    PLUS-MINUS SIGN (Plus-or-Minus Sign)
 F2 242 362 11110010 2265 8805 &ge;       ≥    GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO
 F3 243 363 11110011 2264 8804 &le;       ≤    LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO
 F4 244 364 11110100 2320 8992 &#8992;    ⌠    TOP HALF INTEGRAL
 F5 245 365 11110101 2321 8993 &#8993;    ⌡    BOTTOM HALF INTEGRAL
 F6 246 366 11110110 00F7 247  &divide;   ÷    DIVISION SIGN (Divide Sign)
 F7 247 367 11110111 2248 8776 &asymp;    ≈    ALMOST EQUAL TO (Approximately Equal)
 F8 248 370 11111000 00B0 176  &deg;      °    DEGREE SIGN
 F9 249 371 11111001 2219 8729 &#8729;    ∙    BULLET OPERATOR                                  CORRECT - BUT LOOKS LIKE MIDDLE DOT
                     25AA 9642 &#9642;    ▪    BLACK SMALL SQUARE                               INCORRECT - BUT LOOKS BETTER IN SOME FONTS
 FA 250 372 11111010 22C5 8901 &sdot;     ⋅    DOT OPERATOR                                     CORRECT
                     00B7 183  &middot;   ·    MIDDLE DOT                                       INCORRECT
 FB 251 373 11111011 221A 8730 &radic;    √    SQUARE ROOT (Radical Sign)
 FC 252 374 11111100 207F 8319 &#8319;    ⁿ    SUPERSCRIPT LATIN SMALL LETTER N (To the n Power)
 FD 253 375 11111101 00B2 178  &sup2;     ²    SUPERSCRIPT TWO (Squared)
 FE 254 376 11111110 220E 8718 &#8718;    ∎    END OF PROOF (Q.E.D.)                            CORRECT
                     25A0 9632 &#9632;    ■    BLACK SQUARE (Square Bullet)                     INCORRECT
 FF 255 377 11111111 00A0 160  &nbsp;          NO-BREAK SPACE (Non-Breaking Space) (NBSP) (Blank)

[1] A relatively new UNICODE character: U+1D161 𝅘𝅥𝅯 MUSICAL SYMBOL SIXTEENTH NOTE
    Unfortunately it falls outside the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) so it is not
    yet widely supported, so it currently does not render correctly in web browsers.
    To see what the character looks like see: https://UNICODE.org/charts/PDF/U1D100.pdf
    Since its UNICODE hex number is five digits long, it does not fit in the table
    above which only has space for four digit hex numbers.  Also, its decimal number
    119137 / &#119137; does not fit in the table above.  For now it will stay
    here below the table. 


- For CP437 hex 20-7B, 7D, 7E characters see the Full ASCII Table.

- In Mozilla Firefox (and probably other browsers), character U+0000 NULL (�)
shows as a U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (�) (A white question mark in a black
rhombus / diamond).  So, in a situation where you would be displaying
information that includes null characters from, for example, a screen shot from
an MS-DOS PC, you need to use either U+0020 SPACE (&#32; or &#x20;) or U+00A0
NO-BREAK SPACE (&#160;, &#xA0; or &nbsp;) as the character that looks like
the NULL (Blank) character (hex 00) on an MS-DOS PC.  I chose to use &#160; NO-
BREAK SPACE as the representation of CP437 character hex 00, and &nbsp; NO-BREAK
SPACE as the representation of CP437 character hex FF.  It is desirable to use
two different representations of NO-BREAK SPACE so that you can go backwards
from data that was encoded for web use back to data for use in an MS-DOS PC.
Just remember to convert &#160; into hex 00 and &nbsp; into hex FF on the PC.
- On a DOS PC, CP437 characters hex 01 to hex 1F and hex 7F have symbols that can
mostly only be shown by placing their values directly in video RAM memory (in a text
mode).  Printing the characters will mostly yield their control code functions and
not print a character.

- Any CP437 characters between hex 80 and hex FF that have "Diaeresis" may also
be referred to as German "Umlaut" characters.

- As for my notes on the far right of the table stating "CORRECT" and "INCORRECT,"
I will only say "I know better than others" and my assessment is correct.  My
intention here is not to start any arguments, just to make the most correct CP437
table.  Possibly at some point I will make an article describing my reasons for
the choices of CORRECT and INCORRECT.

Related information links:

Code page 437 - Wikipedia

Code page - Wikipedia

OEM code page - Wikipedia

DOS code pages - Wikipedia

cp437_DOSLatinUS to Unicode table

Windows Glyph List 4 (WGL4) - Wikipedia

Czyborra.com: Codepage & Co. - MS-DOS code pages - CP437 (DOSLatinUS)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                     -=> Mac OS Roman <=-
                                      By Michael Walden
|   Mac OS Roman    |                                UNICODE                                 |
|Hx|Dec|Oct| Binary |Hex |Dec  |Entity  |UTF-8 |Description                                  |
 80 128 200 10000000 00C4 196   &Auml;     Ä    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
 81 129 201 10000001 00C5 197   &Aring;    Å    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
 82 130 202 10000010 00C7 199   &Ccedil;   Ç    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
 83 131 203 10000011 00C9 201   &Eacute;   É    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
 84 132 204 10000100 00D1 209   &Ntilde;   Ñ    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
 85 133 205 10000101 00D6 214   &Ouml;     Ö    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
 86 134 206 10000110 00DC 220   &Uuml;     Ü    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
 87 135 207 10000111 00E1 225   &aacute;   á    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
 88 136 210 10001000 00E0 224   &agrave;   à    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
 89 137 211 10001001 00E2 226   &acirc;    â    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 8A 138 212 10001010 00E4 228   &auml;     ä    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
 8B 139 213 10001011 00E3 227   &atilde;   ã    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
 8C 140 214 10001100 00E5 229   &aring;    å    LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
 8D 141 215 10001101 00E7 231   &ccedil;   ç    LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
 8E 142 216 10001110 00E9 233   &eacute;   é    LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
 8F 143 217 10001111 00E8 232   &egrave;   è    LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
 90 144 220 10010000 00EA 234   &ecirc;    ê    LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 91 145 221 10010001 00EB 235   &euml;     ë    LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
 92 146 222 10010010 00ED 237   &iacute;   í    LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
 93 147 223 10010011 00EC 236   &igrave;   ì    LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
 94 148 224 10010100 00EE 238   &icirc;    î    LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 95 149 225 10010101 00EF 239   &iuml;     ï    LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
 96 150 226 10010110 00F1 241   &ntilde;   ñ    LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
 97 151 227 10010111 00F3 243   &oacute;   ó    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
 98 152 230 10011000 00F2 242   &ograve;   ò    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
 99 153 231 10011001 00F4 244   &ocirc;    ô    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 9A 154 232 10011010 00F6 246   &ouml;     ö    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
 9B 155 233 10011011 00F5 245   &otilde;   õ    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
 9C 156 234 10011100 00FA 250   &uacute;   ú    LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
 9D 157 235 10011101 00F9 249   &ugrave;   ù    LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
 9E 158 236 10011110 00FB 251   &ucirc;    û    LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 9F 159 237 10011111 00FC 252   &uuml;     ü    LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
 A0 160 240 10100000 2020 8224  &dagger;   †    DAGGER
 A1 161 241 10100001 00B0 176   &deg;      °    DEGREE SIGN
 A2 162 242 10100010 00A2 162   &cent;     ¢    CENT SIGN
 A3 163 243 10100011 00A3 163   &pound;    £    POUND SIGN
 A4 164 244 10100100 00A7 167   &sect;     §    SECTION SIGN
 A5 165 245 10100101 2022 8226  &bull;     •    BULLET
 A6 166 246 10100110 00B6 182   &para;     ¶    PILCROW SIGN
 A7 167 247 10100111 00DF 223   &szlig;    ß    LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
 A8 168 250 10101000 00AE 174   &reg;      ®    REGISTERED SIGN
 A9 169 251 10101001 00A9 169   &copy;     ©    COPYRIGHT SIGN
 AA 170 252 10101010 2122 8482  &trade;    ™    TRADE MARK SIGN
 AB 171 253 10101011 00B4 180   &acute;    ´    ACUTE ACCENT
 AC 172 254 10101100 00A8 168   &Dot;      ¨    DIAERESIS
 AD 173 255 10101101 2260 8800  &ne;       ≠    NOT EQUAL TO
 AE 174 256 10101110 00C6 198   &AElig;    Æ    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
 AF 175 257 10101111 00D8 216   &Oslash;   Ø    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
 B0 176 260 10110000 221E 8734  &infin;    ∞    INFINITY
 B1 177 261 10110001 00B1 177   &plusmn;   ±    PLUS-MINUS SIGN
 B2 178 262 10110010 2264 8804  &le;       ≤    LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO
 B3 179 263 10110011 2265 8805  &ge;       ≥    GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO
 B4 180 264 10110100 00A5 165   &yen;      ¥    YEN SIGN
 B5 181 265 10110101 03BC 956   &mu;       μ    GREEK SMALL LETTER MU
 B6 182 266 10110110 2202 8706  &part;     ∂    PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL
 B7 183 267 10110111 2211 8721  &sum;      ∑    N-ARY SUMMATION
 B8 184 270 10111000 220F 8719  &prod;     ∏    N-ARY PRODUCT
 B9 185 271 10111001 03C0 960   &pi;       π    GREEK SMALL LETTER PI
 BA 186 272 10111010 222B 8747  &int;      ∫    INTEGRAL
 BB 187 273 10111011 00AA 170   &ordf;     ª    FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR
 BC 188 274 10111100 00BA 186   &ordm;     º    MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
 BD 189 275 10111101 03A9 937   &Omega;    Ω    GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA
 BE 190 276 10111110 00E6 230   &aelig;    æ    LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
 BF 191 277 10111111 00F8 248   &oslash;   ø    LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
 C0 192 300 11000000 00BF 191   &iquest;   ¿    INVERTED QUESTION MARK
 C1 193 301 11000001 00A1 161   &iexcl;    ¡    INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
 C2 194 302 11000010 00AC 172   &not;      ¬    NOT SIGN
 C3 195 303 11000011 221A 8730  &radic;    √    SQUARE ROOT
 C4 196 304 11000100 0192 402   &fnof;     ƒ    LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK
 C5 197 305 11000101 2248 8776  &asymp;    ≈    ALMOST EQUAL TO
 C6 198 306 11000110 2206 8710  &#8710;    ∆    INCREMENT
 C7 199 307 11000111 00AB 171   &laquo;    «    LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
 C8 200 310 11001000 00BB 187   &raquo;    »    RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
 C9 201 311 11001001 2026 8230  &hellip;   …    HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
 CA 202 312 11001010 00A0 160   &nbsp;          NO-BREAK SPACE
 CB 203 313 11001011 00C0 192   &Agrave;   À    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
 CC 204 314 11001100 00C3 195   &Atilde;   Ã    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
 CD 205 315 11001101 00D5 213   &Otilde;   Õ    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
 CE 206 316 11001110 0152 338   &OElig;    Œ    LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE
 CF 207 317 11001111 0153 339   &oelig;    œ    LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE
 D0 208 320 11010000 2013 8211  &ndash;    –    EN DASH
 D1 209 321 11010001 2014 8212  &mdash;    —    EM DASH
 D2 210 322 11010010 201C 8220  &ldquo;    “    LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
 D3 211 323 11010011 201D 8221  &rdquo;    ”    RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
 D4 212 324 11010100 2018 8216  &lsquo;    ‘    LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
 D5 213 325 11010101 2019 8217  &rsquo;    ’    RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
 D6 214 326 11010110 00F7 247   &divide;   ÷    DIVISION SIGN
 D7 215 327 11010111 25CA 9674  &loz;      ◊    LOZENGE
 D8 216 330 11011000 00FF 255   &yuml;     ÿ    LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
 D9 217 331 11011001 0178 376   &Yuml;     Ÿ    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
 DA 218 332 11011010 2044 8260  &frasl;    ⁄    FRACTION SLASH
 DB 219 333 11011011 20AC 8364  &euro;     €    EURO SIGN                                       In Mac OS 8.5 and later versions, this character is the euro sign.
                     00A4 164   &curren;   ¤    CURRENCY SIGN                                   Before Mac OS 8.5, this character was the currency sign.
 DC 220 334 11011100 2039 8249  &lsaquo;   ‹    SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
 DD 221 335 11011101 203A 8250  &rsaquo;   ›    SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
 DE 222 336 11011110 FB01 64257 &#64257;   fi    LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI
 DF 223 337 11011111 FB02 64258 &#64258;   fl    LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL
 E0 224 340 11100000 2021 8225  &Dagger;   ‡    DOUBLE DAGGER
 E1 225 341 11100001 00B7 183   &middot;   ·    MIDDLE DOT
 E2 226 342 11100010 201A 8218  &sbquo;    ‚    SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
 E3 227 343 11100011 201E 8222  &bdquo;    „    DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
 E4 228 344 11100100 2030 8240  &permil;   ‰    PER MILLE SIGN
 E5 229 345 11100101 00C2 194   &Acirc;    Â    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 E6 230 346 11100110 00CA 202   &Ecirc;    Ê    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 E7 231 347 11100111 00C1 193   &Aacute;   Á    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
 E8 232 350 11101000 00CB 203   &Euml;     Ë    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
 E9 233 351 11101001 00C8 200   &Egrave;   È    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
 EA 234 352 11101010 00CD 205   &Iacute;   Í    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
 EB 235 353 11101011 00CE 206   &Icirc;    Î    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 EC 236 354 11101100 00CF 207   &Iuml;     Ï    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
 ED 237 355 11101101 00CC 204   &Igrave;   Ì    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
 EE 238 356 11101110 00D3 211   &Oacute;   Ó    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
 EF 239 357 11101111 00D4 212   &Ocirc;    Ô    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 F0 240 360 11110000 F8FF 63743 &#63743;      Private Use - solid Apple logo                   Apple uses Unicode character U+F8FF in the Corporate Private Use Area for this character.  Not likely to be supported on non-Apple systems.
                     FFFD 65533 &#65533;   �    REPLACEMENT CHARACTER                           * used to replace an incoming character whose value is unknown or unrepresentable in Unicode
                                                UNDEFINED                                        Translate as a missing/omitted character since it is not available in Unicode
 F1 241 361 11110001 00D2 210   &Ograve;   Ò    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
 F2 242 362 11110010 00DA 218   &Uacute;   Ú    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
 F3 243 363 11110011 00DB 219   &Ucirc;    Û    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 F4 244 364 11110100 00D9 217   &Ugrave;   Ù    LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
 F5 245 365 11110101 0131 305   &#305;     ı    LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I
 F6 246 366 11110110 02C6 710   &circ;     ˆ    MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
 F7 247 367 11110111 02DC 732   &tilde;    ˜    SMALL TILDE
 F8 248 370 11111000 00AF 175   &macr;     ¯    MACRON
 F9 249 371 11111001 02D8 728   &#728;     ˘    BREVE
 FA 250 372 11111010 02D9 729   &#729;     ˙    DOT ABOVE
 FB 251 373 11111011 02DA 730   &#730;     ˚    RING ABOVE
 FC 252 374 11111100 00B8 184   &cedil;    ¸    CEDILLA
 FD 253 375 11111101 02DD 733   &#733;     ˝    DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT
 FE 254 376 11111110 02DB 731   &#731;     ˛    OGONEK
 FF 255 377 11111111 02C7 711   &#711;     ˇ    CARON


- For Mac OS Roman hex 00-7F characters see the ISO/IEC 8859-1 table.

Related information links:

Mac OS Roman - Wikipedia

Apple - Mac OS Roman character set to Unicode 2.1 and later.

Microsoft - cp10000_MacRoman to Unicode table

INSIDE MACINTOSH - Figure 1-36 The Standard Roman character set

Differences between ANSI, ISO-8859-1 and MacRoman character sets

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                             -=> AmigaOS Coded Character Set <=-
                                      By Michael Walden
|      AmigaOS      |                                 UNICODE                               |
|Hx|Dec|Oct| Binary |Hex |Dec |Entity  |UTF-8 |Description (with alternates)                |
 7F 127 177 01111111 2592 9618 &#9618;    ▒    MEDIUM SHADE (50% Fill)


- AmigaOS coded character set is equal to "ISO/IEC 8859-1" and "ECMA-94 Latin Alphabet No. 1"
except for the character at AmigaOS code point hex 7F as shown above.  It is normally the
(DEL) Delete Control Character, which has no glyph assigned to it.

- For AmigaOS Coded Character Set hex 00-7E and 80-FF characters see the ISO/IEC 8859-1 table.

- As a result of working with Amiga fonts in the past, I was made aware of this single
different character in the character set used on the Amiga.  I seem to be the only
person aware of this fact.  Also, to be complete I should mention that in some Amiga
fonts the actual glyph used was not like a checker board bitmap as seen in the
MEDIUM SHADE UNICODE character, but rather, a rectangle filled with diagonal black
and white stripes.  The MEDIUM SHADE UNICODE character is the closest one available.
UPDATE 2023-11-11: Mr. Heikki Lotvonen contributed the following: See recent example by
h7 where this character is used for the beard and line under the logo.
https://16Colo.rs/pack/impure80/h7-impure.txt Thanks to him, I now know that my
memory of this character (7F) is correct and that at least two other people know about
the character.

Related information links:

Console Device - AmigaOS Documentation Wiki
  (Quote: "The Amiga uses the ECMA-94 Latin 1 International 8-bit character set.")

ISO/IEC 8859-1 - Wikipedia
 (Quote: "In 1985, Commodore adopted ECMA-94 for its new AmigaOS operating system.[19]")

ECMA-94 - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Latin alphabets No. 1 to No. 4 - 2nd edition, June 1986
  In the text description of the characters, the following three are described incorrectly,
  but in the character glyph table things are depicted correctly.
 ### So, to be clear, ECMA-94 Latin Alphabet No. 1 is identical to ISO/IEC 8859-1 ###

Advanced Amiga BASIC - The Amiga Character Set
 (The barely readable characters in the reference above match ISO/IEC 8859-1, the hex 7F character is omitted!)

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                             -=> HTML Entities <=-
                        By Liam Quinn and Michael Walden

Character Entity References (CER) / Named character references
Character entity references, or entities for short, provide a method of
entering characters within an HTML document that cannot be expressed in the
document's character encoding or that cannot easily be entered on a keyboard.
Entities are case-sensitive and take the form &name; .

Numeric Character References (NCR)
In addition to entities, authors can use numeric character references.  While
entities are limited to a subset of Unicode characters, numeric character
references can specify any character within a character set.  Numeric character
references may be given in decimal or hexadecimal, though browser support is
stronger for decimal references.  Decimal references are of the form &#number;
while hexadecimal references take the case-insensitive form &#xnumber; or
&#Xnumber;. It is recommended that character entity references such as &eacute;
be used in preference to numeric character references.


        Symbol                              CER       Dec NCR  Hex NCR
        ---------------------------------   --------  -------  --------
        é LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE   &eacute;  &#233;   &#xE9;
        α GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA          &alpha;   &#945;   &#x3B1;
        ™ TRADE MARK SIGN                   &trade;   &#8482;  &#X2122;
        © COPYRIGHT SIGN                    &copy;    &#169;   &#XA9;

      Source: Liam Quinn https://HTMLHelp.org/reference/html40/entities/

Related information links:

Named character references (Entities)

Numeric character reference

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-=> Entering Characters with ALT Key Combinations in Microsoft DOS & Windows <=-
                               By Michael Walden

The following describes how to generate any character by entering it's decimal

- Use the numeric keypad on the far right of the keyboard for code entry.
  NOTE: The following will not work if you use the normal number keys.

- Make sure that NumLock is enabled (NumLock LED on keyboard lit).
  If the NumLock LED is not lit, press NumLock to toggle it on.

- Depress the ALT key and continue to hold it down.
  Perform one of the following:

  To enter a DOS/OEM (CP437) character (ALT-nnn)
  Type the decimal code of the character.


  To enter a Windows ANSI (CP1252) character (ALT-0nnn)
  Type a zero "0" followed by the decimal code of the character.
  (This will not work in MS-DOS)

- When done typing the code, release the ALT key and the desired character
  should appear.

Note about laptop computers
Many laptop (notebook) computers without keypads can generate characters
using character codes through the use of a special function key.  Follow
the steps previously described while observing the following two items:

 1. Hold the "function key" (usually labeled "Fn") down AS WELL AS the Alt key.

 2. Use the numbers printed in the same color as the label on the function key.
    The numbers are usually located on the keys on the right side of the

Note about HTML documents
It is a good idea to use HTML entities for "special" characters in web pages
instead of entering them directly into the document using an Alt key sequence.
This will help to ensure that the proper character is displayed on the web page
when viewed from many different browsers.

To enter a "©" symbol, hold down the ALT key, and type 0169 on the numeric
keypad, then release the ALT key.

To enter a "¥" symbol, hold ALT and type 0165, or type 157 (if the client's
OEM code page is 437) on the numeric keypad, then release the ALT key.

To enter an "Æ" symbol, hold down the ALT key, and type 0198 on the numeric
keypad, then release the ALT key.

To enter the German Eszett character, hold down the ALT key, type 0223 on
the numeric keypad, then release the ALT key.

To enter a DOS CP437 smiley face, hold down the ALT key, and just type a
1 on the numeric keypad. then release the ALT key.

Entering a CP437 code will actually enter the CP1252 code for whatever
character was in the CP437 position indicated.  For example, CP437 used
code 151 for the lowercase "u" with grave accent. Typing ALT-151
in a Windows GUI application will actually produce code 249, which is
where CP1252 puts that character, so you'll get a lowercase "u" with grave
accent.  If you want the character that is now in position 151 of CP1252
(which is the em dash), you must type ALT-0151.

Quick Summary
ALT+nnn  = Emit a CP437 character into a DOS (Console Mode) program or it's
           coresponding CP1252 character into a Windows (GUI) program.
           nnn = Any decimal CP437 character value from 0 to 255
ALT+0nnn = Emit a CP1252 character (only necesary for characters 128 to 255)
           nnn = Any decimal CP1252 character value from 0 to 255

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                  -=> Coded Character Set Naming Variations <=-
                               By Michael Walden

In the process of researching the coded character sets on this web page, I came
across many different variations in the naming of them.  This research was
started quite a while ago (In the early 2000s) at a time where things were
harder to locate and when more authoritative descriptions were not yet available
online.  The mostly trustworthy Wikipedia has evolved into a good resource in
finding out details with respect to these coded character sets.

I kept lists of the different names and present them here for their historical
value.  Lastly, these lists are not exhaustive and more possible entries can
easily be found in Wikipedia articles.

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
ASA X3.4-1963
ASCII - X3.4-1963
USASI X3.4-1967
USASCII - X3.4-1967 (U.S.A. Standard Code for Information Interchange)
ISO 646-IRV-1972 (International Standards Organization 646)
ISO 646-US-1972  (vertical bar instead of broken vertical bar)
ANSI-X3.4-1986(R1997) American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
ISO 646-IRV-1991

ISO/IEC 8859-1
ISO/IEC 8859-1:1998
ISO 8859-1
Code page 28591
ISO Latin1
ISO Latin 1

Code page 1252
Windows code page CP1252
Microsoft Windows code page 1252
Windows ANSI

IBM PC Extended Character Set (ECS)
IBM PC 8-bit US
IBM PC 8-bit U.S.
IBM PC 8-bit graphics characters
PC-8 Code Page 437
Code Page 437
PC CP 437 (Original PC Code Page)
IBM PC code page 437
OEM 437
OEM Codepage 437
MS-DOS United States
MS-DOS 8-bit extended ASCII
MS-DOS Codepage 437
MS-DOS code page CP437 (DOSLatinUS)
DOSLatinUS (cp437)
Microsoft DOS OEM Codepage 437 (US)
Microsoft Windows OEM Codepage 437 (US)

Unicode - Wikipedia
Universal Coded Character Set (UCS) - Wikipedia
ISO/IEC 10646 - Wikipedia
ISO/IEC 10646-1
Universal Character Set (UCS)

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                               -=> Changelog <=-

## 2023-11-11 ##################################################################

## In: (HTML/CSS)
<style type="text/css">!--
<style type="text/css"><!--

## In: (HTML/CSS)
font-family: "Lucida Console";
font-family: "Lucida Console", "Courier New", Courier, Monaco, monospace;
Thank you goes out to Mr. Heikki Lotvonen for his contribution to this web site.
He contributed the change I made to the HTML/CSS to allow monospace fonts to
appear correctly on macOS, Linux, and any other computer type in addition to

## In: Table of Contents
 • Changelog

## In: -=> AmigaOS Coded Character Set <=-
except for the character at AmigaOS code point hex 7F as shown above.
except for the character at AmigaOS code point hex 7F as shown above.  It is normally the
(DEL) Delete Control Character, which has no glyph assigned to it.

## In: -=> AmigaOS Coded Character Set <=-
UPDATE 2023-11-11: Mr. Heikki Lotvonen contributed the following: See recent example by
h7 where this character is used for the beard and line under the logo.
https://16Colo.rs/pack/impure80/h7-impure.txt Thanks to him, I now know that my
memory of this character (7F) is correct and that at least two other people know about
the character.
## In: (end of file)
-=> Changelog <=-

## In: (HTML/CSS)

## 2023-09-05 ##################################################################

## In: -=> Full ASCII Table <=-
Percent-encoding in a URI - Wikipedia

## In: -=> CP437 - Code page 437 / IBM PC Extended Character Set (ECS) <=-
- CP437 characters hex 01 to hex 1F and hex 7F have symbols that can mostly only
- On a DOS PC, CP437 characters hex 01 to hex 1F and hex 7F have symbols that can

## In: -=> CP437 - Code page 437 / IBM PC Extended Character Set (ECS) <=-
I will only say "I know better" and my assessment is correct.  My intention here is
I will only say "I know better than others" and my assessment is correct.  My

## In: -=> Coded Character Set Naming Variations <=-
Universal Coded Character Set

## 2023-09-04 ##################################################################

## Original posting date.

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    (This document was originally published here: http://MW.Rat.bz/ascii )
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