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Theme Name.:  FOXSCAPE
Description:  A full featured retro theme for Firefox that looks like
              Netscape 4.x, Netscape 6+ "Classic" theme, Mozilla Suite M18+,
              and SeaMonkey 1.x "Classic" theme running on Windows.
Author.....:  Michael Walden
Web sites..:  Main:      http://FOXSCAPE.net
              Mozilla:   http://AddOns.Mozilla.org/addon/4083
              Personal:  http://MW.rat.bz
Version....:  5.18
Date.......:  2014-03-23
Tested on..:  Mozilla Firefox 28.0B9 on Windows XP
File Name..:  foxscape-5.18-Fx.xpi
File Size..:  1,735 KB

## NOTE: This file has not been completely reviewed since FOXSCAPE 4.01 ##
## and may contain errors.  It is better to release FOXSCAPE with this  ##
## incomplete, then to hold off until the documentation gets completely ##
## reviewed and updated.  I intend to produce improved documentation in ##
## HTML that clearly shows all of the features of FOXSCAPE.             ##


If, like myself, you are a long time user of the Netscape Communicator 4.x
series of browsers, which in the context of appearances includes Netscape 6+
using the "Classic" theme, Mozilla Suite M18+, and SeaMonkey 1.x using the
"Classic" theme (all herein referred to simply as Netscape), then you should
love this theme!  If not, then this theme will probably do nothing for you.

In spite of similarities to the following five Firefox themes, none of the
graphic elements in FOXSCAPE come from them.

Perennial by ~digiboy (Marcus Campbell) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< GONE
 (Sadly, Perennial was removed from deviantART within a week of the
 release FOXSCAPE 3.02 on 2009-08-16)

N-Scape1 By lost <http://AddOns.Mozilla.org/user/8878> <<<<< Replaced by Quondam

Quondam by lost <http://AddOns.Mozilla.org/user/8878> <<<<<< Replaced by 4Scape

4Scape by lost <http://AddOns.Mozilla.org/user/8878> <<<<<< Replaced by N2Scape

N2Scape by lost <http://AddOns.Mozilla.org/user/8878>

Orthodox for Firefox by kriukov <http://AddOns.Mozilla.org/user/38473>
 Nick Kriukov's Website

I extracted the bulk of the graphic elements directly from the files in
Netscape (version 4.8) and a few from other sources.

I would like to send thanks to the authors (~digiboy, lost, and Nick
Kriukov) of those other themes that inspired me to create and maintain

My vision of what a Netscape theme should be is different from others.
I wanted to create a full featured theme which uses as many of the original
graphic elements as possible and, in the case where there are no appropriate
graphic elements to use with new features, create new graphic elements that
mimic the old style as closely as possible.  Additionally, I wanted to
subtly improve the original graphic elements that had small defects which
bothered me while I used Netscape.  I feel that I have achieved that goal.
So, in my opinion, FOXSCAPE provides an experience which is even better
than the original. I hope you feel the same too.

As suggested on the Mozilla web site, I used the default theme in Firefox
as a foundation to build upon.  In doing so, I replaced nearly all of the
default image files with Netscape styled ones.  However, I did not change
several images which are mostly unimportant due to their rare use or
rather non-themed appearance.  There are also some image elements that
are used in conjunction with the Location bar, Search bar, and Tab Bar
which are shaded, giving a subtle 3D look.  These elements are left
unchanged by default since I feel that they look reasonably nice as is
and I feel that some people might not like the flat look.  For those who
wish to make these items look flat, see the Advanced Customization

With all of the aforementioned in mind,  you can see that I am not a
purist with respect to making this theme totally match the Netscape look
and feel.  If you feel you can do better, then have at it!  You can take
what I have done here and improve it to your liking.  All I ask is that
you give me (Michael Walden) and FOXSCAPE a bit of credit in your
creation.  Also, please let me know about your creation so I can check it
out.  Thanks in advance.


Features and Points

- Small, medium, large and extra large Netscape throbbers are included.
- The throbber frame rate is adjusted to approximate Netscape's rate.
- The size of the throbber icon is selected automatically based upon the
  type and size setting of the toolbar icons and, in the case of the
  Menu Bar, the bar on which the throbber is positioned.
- Surprisingly, the large and extra large throbbers do not waste space in the
  vertical direction when used on a toolbar that has other buttons on it.
- Cleaned up the overall appearance of the classic Netscape icons.
- Improved the glint of light / plus sign graphic used in several icons.
- Created several new icons: Go, New Tab, New Window, History, Tab Bar Close,
  Tab Bar Left Arrow, Tab Bar Right Arrow, Full Screen and more.
- RSS feeds are indicated by orange bookmark folders.
- The toolbar bookmarks use the same icon ('N' in a rectangle) as Netscape
  (on windows) does, which differs from the icon (green bookmark) used on
  links elsewhere.
- Toolbar button text labels display in bright blue and dark blue during mouse
  hover and mouse click, respectively.
- The FOXSCAPE theme can be seen in the following places:
  - File/Page Setup.../Format & Options
  - File/Print Preview
  - Edit/Find                         Ctrl+F
  - View/Toolbars/Navigation Toolbar
  - View/Toolbars/Bookmarks Toolbar
  - View/Toolbars/Add-on Bar [!]      Ctrl+/
  - View/Sidebar/Bookmarks            Ctrl+B
  - View/Sidebar/History              Ctrl+H
  - View/Full Screen                  F11
  - View/Show All Tabs                Ctrl+Shift+Tab
  - History
  - History/Show All History          Ctrl+Shift+H
  - Bookmarks
  - Bookmarks/Bookmark This Page      Ctrl+D
  - Bookmarks/Show All Bookmarks      Ctrl+Shift+B
  - Tools/Downloads                   Ctrl+J
  - Tools/Error Console               Ctrl+Shift+J
  - Tools/Web Console                 Ctrl+Shift+K
  - Tools/Page Info
  - Tools/Start Private Browsing      Ctrl+Shift+P
  - Tools/Options
  Also in:
  - The Page Proxy icon on the left end of the Location control.
  - Edit This Bookmark popup
  - Popup Blocker menu below the tab bar.
  - Missing Plugins menu below the tab bar.
  - "Subscribe to this feed using" page.
  - "Problem loading page" error page (see: about:neterror)
  - "Downloads complete" popup.
  - Local disk drive navigation (see: file:///c:/)
  - More ...  See the Advanced Customization section.

  [!] - When used with supported Add-ons.


Install from Add-ons web page method:

1. On the FOXSCAPE Firefox Add-ons web page, click "+ Add to Firefox"
2. Click "Add to Firefox" on the popup.
3. Click "Install Now" on the Software Installation window.
4. Click "Restart Now" when it appears.

Downloaded .xpi method:

1. On the FOXSCAPE Firefox Add-ons web page, right click on
   "+ Add to Firefox", click "Save Link As...", choose a folder, and
   click Save to download the .xpi file to your computer.
2. In Firefox, go to Tools > Add-ons > Appearance.
3. Drag and drop the .xpi file into Add-ons Manager window.
4. Click "Install Now" on the Software Installation window.
5. Click "Restart Now" when it appears.

Customization - Position the throbber

After restarting, you should do the following two steps.

1. Open the Customize Toolbar window - Right click on the home button and
   choose Customize... on the popup menu that appears.  Alternatively, you
   can get there using the menu bar by clicking View > Toolbars >
   Customize... .

2. Relocate the Activity Indicator (a.k.a Throbber) - Assuming that your
   installation of Firefox is fresh, the Throbber will be located in the
   Customize Toolbar window.  If needed, drag the throbber from it's current
   position and drop it on the right hand side of the Navigation toolbar (to
   the right of the search control).  If after moving the Throbber you are
   satisfied with the layout of the browser then you can just click on the
   Done button and you are finished.  If you would like to make things look
   as close as possible to one of the supported browser families (Netscape
   4.x, Netscape 6.x, Mozilla M18+, SeaMonkey 1.0+), then continue on to the
   following section.

Customization - Netscape 4.x Toolbar Layout

If you wish to make your Firefox browser look like the Netscape 4.x family of
browsers, do the following steps.  Otherwise, go to the following section.

1. Make a Location Toolbar - In the Customize Toolbar window, click on Add New
   Toolbar, enter Location Toolbar as the name, and click OK to continue.  You
   will see a new blank toolbar appear below the Navigation toolbar and above
   the Bookmarks toolbar.  Drag the existing Location bar and Search bar from
   the Navigation toolbar and place them on the new Location toolbar so they
   appear in the following left to right order.

   Location Toolbar
   1. Bookmarks Menu   [Fx4] (Appears with a dropmark symbol (down pointing
                             triangle) on the right of the folder)
   2. Location
   3. Search
   4. Subscribe        [Fx4]

   [Fx4] = New additions to Firefox 4.0.  The bookmarks menu button
           existed in Netscape 4.x, but not in any subsequent Mozilla
           release, until Firefox 4.0.  The subscribe button was in
           Firefox 3.6 in the Location bar, but not as a separate
           toolbar button.  The subscribe button is optional here, and
           may be alternatively positioned on the navigation toolbar as
           described below.

2. Customize the Navigation Toolbar - Now that the Location bar and Search
   bar are not taking up space on the Navigation toolbar, drag and drop
   controls as needed to produce a Navigation toolbar control layout that
   matches the following left to right layout order.  Note that items seven
   through 24 were not available in Netscape 4.x.  They are presented here
   in an order that makes logical sense (to me, at least), and as they may
   have been arranged in a hypothetical evolution of Netscape 4.x that
   gained functionality.  They are optional, and may be left out if you
   wish to adhere to a more classic look.

   Navigation Toolbar
   01. Back     \__ One control
   02. Forward  /
   03. Reload
   04. Home
   05. Print
   06. Stop
   07. - Separator -
   08. New Tab         (Appears as a + symbol on right end of tab bar)
   09. List all tabs   [Fx4] (Appears as a dropmark symbol (down pointing
                             triangle) on right end of tab bar)
   10. Tab Groups      [Fx4]
   11. New Window
   12. Full Screen
   13. Zoom Controls   [Fx4]
   14. - Separator -
   17. History
   18. - Separator -
   19. Cut
   20. Copy
   21. Paste
   22. - Separator -
   24. Sync            [Fx4]
   23. Subscribe       [Fx4]
   25. [Flexible Space]
   26. Activity Indicator (Throbber)

   [Fx4] = New additions to Firefox 4.0+.  List all tabs and Subscribe were
           in Firefox 3.6, but not as navigation toolbar buttons.

   Be sure to position a Flexible Space (25 above) item on the left hand side
   of the Throbber to make the Throbber always appear at the far right end of
   the Navigation toolbar if the browser window size is expanded.

3. Icon Text - The final important step is to make the icons display their
   corresponding text labels by selecting Icons and Text in the Show: drop
   down selector located in the lower left corner of the Customize Toolbar
   window.  Also note that the Use Small Icons checkbox should be unchecked
   to produce the large icons typically seen in Netscape.  When you are
   finished customizing the layout, click Done to finish unless you want to
   do the following optional step.

4. Simulate Grippies - This optional step allows you to change the
   toolbars to approximate the appearance of toolbar grippies, though they
   will not function.  Simply drag two Separator items to the left end of
   the following bars: Menu Bar, Navigation Toolbar, Location Toolbar,
   and the Bookmarks Toolbar.  Click Done to finish.

Customization - Netscape 6-7.x, Mozilla M18+, SeaMonkey 1.0+ Toolbar Layout

If you wish to make your Firefox browser look like one of the following
browser families: Netscape 6-7.x, Mozilla Milestone 18 to 1.7.x, or
SeaMonkey 1.0 to 2.x, then do the following steps.  Otherwise, go to the
following section.

1. Customize the Navigation Toolbar - With the Customize Toolbar window
   open, Drag and drop controls as needed to produce a Navigation toolbar
   control layout that matches the following left to right layout order.

   Navigation Toolbar
   1. Back
   2. Forward
   3. Reload
   4. Stop
   5. Location
   6. Search
   7. Print
   8. Activity Indicator (Throbber)

   Lastly, if you are trying to make Firefox look like one of the browser
   families other than Netscape 6.x, be sure to read to the section titled
   "Included throbbers" to see how to make the throbber look like the one
   from the browser family you desire.

2. Customize the Bookmarks Toolbar - Drag and drop controls as needed to
   produce a Bookmarks toolbar control layout that matches the following
   left to right layout order.

   Bookmarks Toolbar
   1. Home
   2. Bookmarks Toolbar Items

3. Icon Text - The final important step is to make the icons display their
   corresponding text labels by selecting Icons and Text in the Show: drop
   down selector located in the lower left corner of the Customize Toolbar
   window.  Also note that the Use Small Icons checkbox should be unchecked
   to produce the large icons typically seen in browsers.  When you are
   finished customizing the layout, click Done to finish unless you want to
   do the following optional step.

4. Simulate Grippies - This optional step allows you to change the
   toolbars to approximate the appearance of toolbar grippies, though they
   will not function.  Simply drag two Separator items to the left end of
   the following bars: Menu Bar, Navigation Toolbar, and the Bookmarks
   Toolbar.  Click Done to finish.

Advanced Customization

Further customization of FOXSCAPE can be accomplished through use of
subskins.  Subskins are portions of a theme that are not enabled by
default.  They can optionally be enabled by the user.

I have included two subskin templates which will allow you to easily
pick and choose subskin features to be enable.  This is done by simply
un-commenting lines to enable their associated subskins.  The templates
can be seen by entering the following address into the address bar:


Copy each template text block from the page above and paste each one into
the file specified in the comments at the top of each text block.  Be
sure to place the text blocks at the specified position (top or bottom)
in each file.

Now you can un-comment lines in the copied templates to enable their
associated subskins.  For example, in the userChrome.css file, you can
enable the modern keyhole style back and forward buttons subskin by
changing the following line:

/* @import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Enable_keyhole_back_and_forward_buttons.css"); */

to it's un-commented form:

   @import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Enable_keyhole_back_and_forward_buttons.css"); 

After saving your changes, restart Firefox to make the changes active.
Now you should see the modern keyhole style back and forward buttons.

I tried to name each subskin in a way that would clearly describe the
function it performs.  The subskin name is capitalized in the sample line
below to illustrate where it occurs on each template line:

/* @import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/SUBSKIN-NAME.CSS"); */

Experiment by un-commenting one line at a time to learn what each subskin

Note: Starting in FOXSCAPE version 3.03 I relocated all base theme .css
file changes to separate subskins.  These separate subskins are exposed
as entries in the 0-config-template.css file ( accessed by going to
chrome://browser/skin/config ) and are the default subskins loaded by
FOXSCAPE.  Each default subskin will be in the format depicted below.

/* -import url("ADDRESS"); */ /* -------------------------------- DEFAULT */

These default subskins are not meant to be un-commented.  I changed the "@"
character that should be on the left of "import" to a "-" character to make
the default subskin lines visually stand out from the other subskins and to
serve as a mental reminder to not use these subskins.  These subskins are
here to allow you to see the default settings that FOXSCAPE will have and to
allow you to view the code that produces the named result.  The following
section will describe how to view a subskin's code (content).

A result of my moving all base theme .css file changes to separate subskins
is that it will allow me to produce new versions of FOXSCAPE more easily.
So, this translates into less time for the next major update's release. :-)

Using FOXSCAPE subskins with other themes
All FOXSCAPE subskins that have names that end in "_Fx.css" should work with
themes other than FOXSCAPE.  If you wish to use one of these subskins with
a theme other than FOXSCAPE, you must copy the complete content of the
subskin and paste it into the appropriate user .css file (userContent.css
or userChrome.css).  Alternatively, you could paste it into a file stored
on your hard drive and use it by entering a line into the appropriate user
.css file (userContent.css or userChrome.css) similar to the following:

@import url("file:///c:/FOXSCAPE/include.css");

In that example, the copied content of the subskin is stored in a file
called include.css .  It is stored in a folder called FOXSCAPE in the root
of the C: drive on a Windows based computer.

To see the content of a FOXSCAPE subskin, enter it's address into the
address bar in Firefox while FOXSCAPE is enabled.  Below is an example of
a subskin address from a line in the templates:

A line from the templates:

/* @import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/SUBSKIN-NAME.CSS"); */

The subskin address from the template line above:


My preset templates
In addition to the templates mentioned above, I have also included the
two templates that I am presently using in my installation of FOXSCAPE.

These will allow you to get a taste of what can be done with the included
subskins.  You can use my preset templates by simply adding one line to
two files.

1. Copy the following line and insert it at the top of userChrome.css

@import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/0-MyUserChrome.css");

2. Copy the following line and append it at the end of userContent.css

@import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/0-MyUserContent.css");

After saving your changes, restart Firefox to make my preset templates

You may view the content of my two templates by entering the following
addresses into the address bar and pressing enter:



You will then be able to see which subskins have been enabled.  You can
also use these two addresses in place of the following address

in the steps described at the beginning of the Advanced Customization
section.  You will then be able to alter my settings to your liking.

The profile-directory/chromomme/ folder
The userContent.css and userChrome.css files mentioned in this readme
file are located in the chromomme folder that is stored in the 
profile-directory folder.  The profile-directory folder will be in a
different place on almost every machine.  The location is affected
by the operating system type and version, as well as user name and
other factors.  So, this makes it difficult to describe the location
in this file.  An example of where you would find the chromomme folder
on a Windows XP based computer appears below:

C:\Documents and Settings\[Windows Login Name]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[Random String].default\chromomme\

[Windows Login Name] and [Random String] will vary.

A new feature in Firefox 3.6+ can be used to open the profile directory,
allowing you to simply open the chromomme folder that contains the
userContent.css and userChrome.css files mentioned in this readme.

To open the profile directory, go to the about:support address or go
to Help > Troubleshooting Information... on the menu bar.  Once that
page loads, click the Open Containing Folder button under Application
Basics.  Your screen should display a window containing the files that
are in the profile folder on your computer.

Take a look at the following web pages for additional information on
subskins and the location of the profile-directory folder:


Un-comment lines by removing the leading /* and trailing */ comment
indicators.  You *must* be certain to remove both leading and trailing
comment indicators for a given line or things will not function properly.

When un-commenting lines in the templates, it is recommended that you
replace the leading /* characters with two spaces characters.  That
enables you to easily see which lines are enabled by making them stand
out from the commented lines.  If you decide to disable an enabled line,
just replace the removed /* and */ comment indicators and remove the two
leading space characters if present.

After making comment changes, be sure to restart Firefox to make the
changes active.

Additional Theme Notes

Internal viewable readme
This readme file is accessible from Firefox once the FOXSCAPE theme is
installed and activated.  It can be viewed by entering the following
address into the address bar and pressing enter:


Once entered, you will be forwarded to the following longer address:


You will then see this document in the main browser window.

As far as I know, no one has ever provided theme documentation internal to the
theme itself *and* provided an address (like that above) to directly view it.
This manner of providing internal documentation can simply display a text file
or it can be expanded to include HTML and other media files.  The main benefit
of providing internal documentation is lack of need for, or reliance upon,
a web site.  Theme creators who do not have a web site can still provide good
documentation.  Additionally, themes that have their respective web site
disappear incur less damage with respect to their ability to be understood
(configured) by new users.  It is my hope that this technique is embraced by
others and used in their themes.  Theme creators using this technique should
be mindful of not creating bloat by including an excess of media files.
Lastly, if the Firefox developers are listening, please consider the creation
of a standard protocol for developers to follow when providing internal
documentation.  As part of the protocol, there could be a standard URL
provided by Firefox - about:theme - which would link to a specific file path
within the theme.  Alternatively (or additionally), there could be a Readme/
About/Info/Help button made available for each theme in the Tools>Add-ons>
Themes panel.  The benefit of having buttons on each theme is that there
would not be a need to have the theme active to be able to view the
associated documentation.

UPDATE (July 2008):
I recently discovered someone else who has included theme documentation within
themes.  "incognu" has several themes for SeaMonkey (and other browsers) which
have an "about.html" file.  His technique is similar to the one I am using,
though the file name and path in the theme differs from mine.  The address
used in the browser to view his documentation
(chrome://global/skin/about/about.html) also differs from mine.  He does not
presently have any themes for Firefox.  To see his work, visit the following
link: http://incognu.com/themes.xhtml

Internal icon pack
The internal icon pack can be downloaded and installed by entering the
following address into the address bar and pressing enter or clicking go:


Follow the instructions that appear on that web page.

Included throbbers
Below are the descriptions of, and subskin entries for, the throbber files
included in FOXSCAPE.  Refer to the "Advanced Customization" section to
see how to use the subskin entries below.

Netscape N Throbber (From Netscape 4.x - 6.2.3)
/* @import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Throbber_-_force_small_(16x16).css"); */
/* @import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Throbber_-_force_medium_(20x20).css"); */
/* @import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Throbber_-_force_large_(32x32).css"); */
/* @import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Throbber_-_force_extra_large_(40x40).css"); */
/* @import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Throbber_-_auto_small_and_medium.css"); */
/* @import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Throbber_-_auto_small_and_large.css"); */
/* -import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Throbber_-_auto_small,_large_and_extra_large.css"); */ /* ------------------------ DEFAULT */

Mozilla M Throbber (From Mozilla M9 - 1.7.13)
/* @import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Throbber_-_Mozilla_auto_small_and_large.css"); */

SeaMonkey Throbber - .gif (From SeaMonkey 1.x)
/* @import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Throbber_-_SeaMonkey_1.x_auto_small_and_large.css"); */

SeaMonkey Throbber - .png (From SeaMonkey 2.x)
/* @import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Throbber_-_SeaMonkey_2.x_auto_small_and_large.css"); */

Included image files
There are five splash/logo files included in the FOXSCAPE theme.
These images may be accessed from a customized about:blank page (also
described in this file) or from extensions, such as the Splash

There are also six .htm files included to demonstrate the included
images.  You can go to the address of each .htm file to get an idea
of what the images will look like when called from a custom about:blank
page or, to an extent, the Splash extension.

These demonstration .htm files may also be used as your home page by
placing the address of one into the Home Page field in the Main tab on
the Options screen.  When using one as your home page, you can get
almost the same effect as if you had installed the Splash extension or
a custom about:blank page without actually doing so.

There is one extra .htm (0.) file relative to the number of included
image files (five).  This extra .htm file is included to demonstrate
what a custom gray about:blank page (described in this file) will look

Here are the links to the image files and their associated .htm files.

0. No image - gray background - like about:blank
   (    No image file for this .htm file.    )

1. Static splash

2. Splash disappears after 5 seconds

3. Splash disappears after 5 seconds and leaves a static FOXSCAPE logo

4. Static FOXSCAPE logo

5. FOXSCAPE logo disappears after 5 seconds

Using the Splash! extension
Included in this theme are images which can be used with the "Splash!"
Firefox extension, which is available at the following address:

### NOTE: Unfortunately, this extension has not been updated in quite a
long time and is not able to be used in Firefox 4.0+.  I hope that it,
or a similar extension will be made available to allow for splash screens
in Firefox 4.0+.

 Splash! 2.0.2 (or newer) by mrtech, slyfox

The recommended settings for "Splash!" are as follows:

 Splash Settings
   [/] Show Splash on Startup
   [ ] Close splash when main window loads
   Auto-close Timeout (1000 = 1 sec): 8000   (Default: 3000)
   Background Color: transparent             (Default: #FFFFFF)
   Window Style: padding: 0px;
   Image URL (ex: file:///c:/image.png): chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/spl/splash-1.gif    (Default: chrome://branding/content/about.png)
   [/] Hide splash text completely           (Default: [ ])
   [/] Hide progress meter                   (Default: [ ])
   Override "loading..." text (leave blank for default):
   Text Color: #000000
   Text Style: font-family: sans-serif; font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;
    [ ] Play sound on startup
    Sound URL (ex: file:///c:/sound.wav):
    [ ] Use Opacity (value range is from 0-1 Ex. '.4')

You can change the "Image URL" to any one of the included image file
addresses described elsewhere in this file.

Custom about:blank page
The Netscape 4.x browsers would start up (if no home page was specified)
with a gray colored page.  When new windows were created they also
appeared with a gray colored page.  Even though there was no formally
defined about:blank page in Netscape, the about:blank page is the
Firefox equivalent to Netscape's initial gray page.

If you would like to make Firefox's about:blank page appear like the
gray page in Netscape, either add the following line of text to the
bottom of your chromomme\userContent.css file or un-comment the existing
line in your chromomme\userContent.css file.  See the Advanced Customization
section for details.

@import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Gray_about_blank_Fx.css");

Alternatively, you might want to include an image in the center of the
about:blank page to give your empty about:blank page a bit of style.
I have provided an example of a customized about:blank page that displays
a FOXSCAPE splash image that disappears after 5 seconds and leaves a
static FOXSCAPE logo.  If you would like to try out this example, either
add the following line of text to the bottom of your
chromomme\userContent.css file or un-comment the existing line in your
chromomme\userContent.css file.  See the Advanced Customization section for

@import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Gray_about_blank_with_splash-3.css");

If you would like to create a customized about:blank page with a different
image than the one in my example, you can extract the complete content
of the subskin example above and place it at the bottom of your
chromomme\userContent.css file, as described in the "Using FOXSCAPE subskins
with other themes" section, but in this case use the subskin with FOXSCAPE,
and then you can change the image name in the url("IMAGE_NAME") line in
the extracted subskin content to any one of the included image file
addresses described in the "Included image files" section of this file.
You can even use an image file (.png, .gif, .jpg) located on your hard
drive by using an image name similar to the following example.


In that example, the image file on your hard drive is stored in a file
called image.png .  It is stored in a folder called FOXSCAPE in the root
of the C: drive.

To clarify, the existing line would be changed from:
    background:-moz-dialog url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/spl/splash-3.gif") no-repeat fixed 50% 50% !important;
    background:-moz-dialog url("file:///c:/FOXSCAPE/image.png") no-repeat fixed 50% 50% !important;

Skin the Work Offline extension
FOXSCAPE includes graphic elements which can be used to skin the
graphic elements in this extension.  This extension can be downloaded
from the following address.

 Work Offline 1.6 (or newer) by ASANO, Naoyuki

If you would like to see the graphic elements that are skinned by
FOXSCAPE in this extension, go to one of the following address from
Firefox after installing and enabling FOXSCAPE.


The following are the suggested settings for this extension when used

 Work Offline Settings
  Statusbar Icon
   (*) Original
   ( ) Thunderbird 1.5 or earlier
   ( ) Thunderbird 2
   ( ) Thunderbird 3
  When Firefox starts up
   (*) Do nothing
   ( ) Force offline mode
   ( ) Force online mode
   [/] Show the offline message on the titlebar
   [ ] Reload all tabs when Firefox goes to online mode

If you would like to skin this extension with FOXSCAPE, either add one
of the following lines of text to the top of your chromomme\userChrome.css
file or un-comment one of the existing lines in your
chromomme\userChrome.css file.  See the Advanced Customization section for

@import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Skin_the_Work_Offline_extension1.css");
@import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Skin_the_Work_Offline_extension2.css");

Skin the QuickRestart extension
FOXSCAPE includes graphic elements which can be used to skin the
graphic elements in this extension.  This extension can be downloaded
from the following address.

### NOTE: Unfortunately, this extension has not been updated in quite a
long time and is not able to be used in Firefox 4.0+.  I hope that it
will be updated to work in Firefox 4.0+.  Alternatively, use the
Restartless Restart extension. See the link in the Other Firefox
extensions section below.

 QuickRestart 1.1.6 (or newer) by Juan Carlos Avila B.

If you would like to see the graphic elements that are skinned by
FOXSCAPE in this extension, go to the following addresses from Firefox
after installing and enabling FOXSCAPE.


If you would like to skin this extension with FOXSCAPE, either add the
following line of text to the top of your chromomme\userChrome.css file
or un-comment the existing line in your chromomme\userChrome.css file.
See the Advanced Customization section for details.

@import url("chrome://browser/skin/foxscape/sub/Skin_the_QuickRestart_extension.css");

Note: You need to perform step one in the "Customization - Position the
throbber" section of this readme and drag the Restart button to a toolbar
to see this skin take effect on the QuickRestart extension.

Other Firefox extensions
There are some additional extensions for Firefox that may be of interest to
you.  The list below shows extensions that replace some functions which are
absent from Firefox 4.0+ that were in Firefox 3.6.

Status-4-Evar 2012.04.21.13 by Sparky Bluefang

Back/forward dropmarker 1.0 by Dagger

Open Search Notification 0.7 by FireFly

RSS Icon In Awesombar 1.4 by JasnaPaka

Below are a few more useful extinsons.

Restartless Restart 8 by Erik Vold

MinimizeToTray revived 1.0.1 by Nils Maier

Close Button 0.4.0 by Isaac

Please understand that I am not responsible for any of the extensions
listed above, and I make no guaranties as to their proper operation.
I am not responsible for any difficulties you may experience as a
result of your use of them.


All documentation and code contained in this theme is covered by the
following license:

GNU General Public License, version 3.0

The specific files in this theme that are included in the documentation
and code class are as follows:

Documentation & Code files:
*.    (no extension files which contain html)

Note that the origins of the documentation & code files are as follows:
- Mozilla Firefox 3.6 Theme
- Mozilla Firefox 4.0+ Theme
- Jeremy Morton
- Michael Walden

All images contained in this theme are covered by the following license:

Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported -

The specific files in this theme that are included in the images class are
as follows:

Image files:
*.ico  (all in a .zip file)

I have spent considerable time and effort in collecting and developing
the image files contained in this theme.  I provide these to the public
to promote their use in software now and in the future.  I make zero
profit from these image files.  My only restrictions in the use of
these images are that I require attribution in any projects that use
them.  Additionally, you can not make profit from use of the images.
You can include them in a commercial product, so long as there is no
charge for the image files and they, and any derivatives, are made
available freely for anyone to use under similar terms.

Note that the origins of the images and image files are as follows:
- Netscape Communicator, Navigator, and other versions
- Mozilla Application Suite, Firefox 3.6 and Firefox 4.0+
- SeaMonkey Application Suite
- Microsoft - Only the error, information, question, and warning icons come
  from Microsoft, and are provided by them in their older software
  development products, such as Visual Basic 3, for free use in your own
  software creations.
- Michael Walden

To Do

- Update FOXSCAPE to support new versions of Firefox.
- *Possibly* add icons to the following areas:

Not To Do

- A companion theme for Thunderbird.


- The original Netscape designers - For their original work.

- Bamm Gabriana <bamm AT astronomy DOT com DOT ph> - For the subskin concept.
  See the description by Sailfish: http://ProjectIt.com/subskins.html

- Neil Rashbrook - For his animated "Cylon" progress bar[T1] and animated
  location bar search spinner images from his Mozilla 1.x/Firefox 1.x
  Retro Mozilla skin.
  See: http://Themes.Mozdev.org/themes/retro4.html

- Chris Neale (orbit) - Mozilla Icon Packs Project Owner

- Sailfish - For his assistance with Mac OS and Linux support by allowing me
  to use portions of his Netscape Navigator 9 styled Simple Green theme in
  FOXSCAPE 3.04.
  see: http://Addons.Mozilla.org/addon/6269
   or  http://Addons.Mozilla.org/addon/simple-green
  see: http://ProjectIt.com/#simplegreen

- Jeremy Morton - For his excellent Firefox 3 theme for Firefox 4+, without
  which you would not have gotten FOXSCAPE 4.0+ as quickly and probably not
  as good looking, too.  I used his theme as the example to work from when
  creating FOXSCAPE 4.01 - 5.02.
  See: http://AddOns.Mozilla.org/addon/290015
   or  http://Addons.Mozilla.org/addon/firefox-3-theme-for-firefox

Thanks to everyone else who has helped with comments, suggestions, bug
reports, and other support.


[T1] "Cylon" progress bar - description
Source: http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Cylon_(1978)
On:     2009-08-16
Under:  Popular culture
Quote:  "* In the source code of Mozilla (and its Netscape predecessor), the
indeterminate progress bar that slides back and forth -- rather than rolling
or filling up from left to right -- is referred to as the "Cylon"."

Change Log

5.18 - 2014-03-23 - This version supports Firefox 28.0.
Only Removes Firefox 29 support from Foxscape.

5.17 - 2014-03-14 - This version supports Firefox 28.0.
Minimal changes were made to support changes made to Firefox 28.

5.16 - 2014-01-30 - This version supports Firefox 27.0.
Minimal changes were made to support changes made to Firefox 27.

5.15 - 2013-12-05 - This version supports Firefox 26.0.
Minimal changes were made to support changes made to Firefox 26.

5.14 - 2013-10-25 - This version supports Firefox 25.0.
Added theme for the Options dialog toolbar buttons. 
Minimal changes were made to support changes made to Firefox 25.

5.13 - 2013-09-20 - This version supports Firefox 24.0.
This version of FOXSCAPE fixes several bugs in version 5.12

5.12 - 2013-09-17 - This version supports Firefox 24.0.
This version of FOXSCAPE is a major reconstruction of the theme using
Sailfish's Simple Green theme as the template. I hope this fixes a couple of
issues reported on Linux and Mac OS X.

5.11 - 2013-08-14 - This version supports Firefox 23.0.
Minimal changes were made to support changes made to Firefox 23.

5.10 - 2013-08-03 - This version supports Firefox 23.0.
Minimal changes were made to support changes made to Firefox 23.
(Never went public due to Windows Aero theme bug)

5.09 - 2013-06-26 - This version supports Firefox 22.0.
Minimal changes were made to support changes made to Firefox 22.

5.08 - 2013-05-30 - This version supports Firefox 21.0.
Minimal changes were made to support changes made to Firefox 21.
Updated the included FOXSCAPE Icon Pack for Windows

5.07 - 2013-04-10 - This version supports Firefox 20.0.
Minimal changes were made to support changes made to Firefox 20.

5.06 - 2013-02-05 - This version supports Firefox 19.0.
Minimal changes were made to support changes made to Firefox 19.

5.05 - 2012-10-17 - This version supports Firefox 16.0.
Minimal changes were made to support changes made to Firefox 16.

5.04 - 2012-09-07 - This version supports Firefox 15.
Minimal changes were made to support changes made to Firefox 15.

5.03 - 2012-07-24 - First public release version for Firefox 14.
 * The following files were updated to support Firefox 14.
 * The following files were added to support Firefox 14.
  ...\browser\identity-icons-generic.png    (Earth      x3)
  ...\browser\identity-icons-https-ev.png   (Grey Lock  x3)
  ...\browser\identity-icons-https.png      (Green Lock x3)
 * Fixed 'no dropmarker' bug in some Windows themes (global\menulist.css)
 * The followng folder icons were slightly changed
 * The following LiveMark icons were slightly changed

5.02 - 2012-06-04 - First public release version for Firefox 13.
This version only adds support for Firefox 13.
 * Newtab page
 * Web Developer Tools (Inspect, etc.)
 * Visited livemark items
 * WebApps notification and install icons
 * Reset Firefox button on Troubleshooting Information page

5.01 - 2012-05-27 - Second public release version for Firefox 12.
Many changes made since last version.  I will update this section later.

5.00 - 2012-05-06 - First public release version for Firefox 12.0.
Many changes made since last version.  I will update this section later.
* Mozilla Add-ons: FOXSCAPE 5.00.0 Rejected - Your add-on, FOXSCAPE 5.00.0,
  has been reviewed by an editor and did not meet the criteria for being
  hosted in our gallery. Your version was rejected because of the following
  * The identity box doesn't show the difference between unsecured, secure,
    and extended validation sites.
  * The following web developer tools have many bugs.
    Tools > Web Developer > Inspect
    Tools > Web Developer > Scratchpad
    Tools > Web Developer > Style Editor

4.01 - 2011-04-08 - First public release version for Firefox 4.0
ADDED the Firefox menu (AppMenu), List all tabs, Tab groups, Zoom in,
      Zoom out, Subscribe, Sync, and Location bar reload-stop-go buttons
Subskin changes:
 * Skins listed below prefixed by NEW were newly added in this version.
 * Skins listed below prefixed by NEW DEFAULT were in the prior version
   of FOXSCAPE, just not set as a default.
 * Skins listed below prefixed by UPDATED were in the prior version of
   FOXSCAPE, but revised to support Firefox 4.0 or improve functionality.
 * Skins listed below prefixed by REMOVED were in the prior version of
   FOXSCAPE, but removed from this version due to their function being
   unneeded in Firefox 4.0.
NEW DEFAULT - Skin_the_QuickRestart_extension.css  (DEFAULT)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NEW DEFAULT - Skin_the_Work_Offline_extension1.css  (DEFAULT)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NEW - Skin_the_Status-4-Evar_extension_download_button.css  (DEFAULT)
NEW - Show_Status-4-Evar-options-button_text_label_on_right.css
NEW - Remove_Status-4-Evar-options-button_text_label.css 
NEW - Show_Status-4-Evar-download-button_text_label_on_right.css
NEW - Remove_Status-4-Evar-download-button_text_label.css 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NEW - Skin_the_MinimizeToTray_revived_extension.css  (DEFAULT)
NEW - Show_MinimizeToTray_revived_button_text_label_on_right.css
NEW - Remove_MinimizeToTray_revived_button_text_label.css 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NEW - Skin_the_Restartless_Restart_extension_appmenu_icon.css  (DEFAULT)
UPDATED - Remove_separators_between_toolbars_Fx.css 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NEW - Show_Subscribe_button_text_label_on_right_Fx.css
NEW - Remove_Subscribe_button_text_label_Fx.css 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NEW - Show_Tab_Groups_button_text_label_on_right_Fx.css
NEW - Remove_Tab_Groups_button_text_label_Fx.css
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NEW - Remove_Home_button_text_label_Fx.css
NEW - Remove_Home_button_text_label_only_when_on_bookmarks_toolbar_Fx.css
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NEW - Show_bookmarks_menu_button_text_label_on_bottom_Fx.css
NEW - Remove_bookmarks_menu_button_text_label_Fx.css 
NEW - Remove_bookmarks_menu_button_icon_Fx.css
NEW - Show_bookmarks_toolbar_bookmarks_menu_button_even_when_menu_bar_is_visible_Fx.css
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NEW - Remove_zoom_control_button_text_labels_Fx.css 
NEW [Title Bar]
NEW - Remove_Appmenu_Button_Fx.css
NEW - Remove_blue_background_from_tabs_toolbar_with_tabs_on_top_in_a_maximized_window_Fx.css 
NEW - Tabs_in_Titlebar_in_restored_window_on_Windows_XP_Windows_Classic_Theme_Fx.css 
[Menu Bar]
UPDATED - Add_scrollbars_to_all_Bookmark_menus_Fx.css - This subskin was
          also RENAMED. It was called:
[Navigation Toolbar]
UPDATED - Enable_keyhole_back_and_forward_buttons.css
NEW - Remove_Back_button_Fx.css
NEW - Remove_Forward_button_Fx.css
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
REMOVED - Remove_Back-Forward_Dropmarker_Fx.css - This is not needed due
          to no dropmarks appearing in Firefox 4 
REMOVED - Combine_Stop_and_Reload_buttons_Fx.css - This function is now
          implemented in Firefox 4.
[Location Toolbar]
UPDATED - Remove_location_bar_identity_button_text_label_Fx.css
NEW - Hide_'Go_to_a_Web_Site'_label_in_location_bar.css
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
REMOVED - Remove_location_bar_livemark-button_(RSS)_Fx.css - This is not
          needed due to the removal of the location bar RSS Feed/livemark
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NEW - Always_show_URL_bar_combined_Go-Reload-Stop_Go_button_Fx.css
NEW - Remove_URL_bar_combined_Go-Reload-Stop_Go_button_background_Fx.css  (DEFAULT)
NEW - Always_show_URL_bar_combined_Go-Reload-Stop_Reload_button_Fx.css
NEW - Remove_URL_bar_combined_Go-Reload-Stop_Reload_button_background_Fx.css  (DEFAULT)
NEW - Always_show_URL_bar_combined_Go-Reload-Stop_Stop_button_Fx.css
NEW - Remove_URL_bar_combined_Go-Reload-Stop_Stop_button_background_Fx.css  (DEFAULT)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RENAMED - Enable_search_bar_search_engine_button_gray_background_Fx.css 
          It was called:
REMOVED - Remove_search_bar_add_engine_blue_highlighting_Fx.css - This is
          not needed due to the removal of the search bar add engine blue
NEW - Hide_search_engine_name_label_in_search_bar.css
[Bookmarks Toolbar (aka Personal Toolbar)]
UPDATED - Bookmarks_Toolbar_bookmark_icon_-_Windows_style.css  (DEFAULT)
UPDATED - Bookmarks_Toolbar_bookmark_icon_-_Linux_style.css
UPDATED - Bookmarks_Toolbar_bookmark_icon_-_Mac_style.css
[Tab Bar]
REMOVED - Always_show_new_tab_tab_on_far_left_end_of_the_tab_bar_Fx.css -
          This function is now implemented in Firefox 4.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NEW - Always_show_new_tab_button_stuck_to_right_end_of_right_tab_Fx.css
UPDATED - Always_show_new_tab_button_on_right_end_of_the_tab_bar_Fx.css 
          This subskin was also RENAMED. It was called:
REMOVED - Remove_New_Tab_button_Fx.css - This function is now implemented
          in Firefox 4.
REMOVED - Remove_List_Tabs_button_Fx.css - This function is now
          implemented in Firefox 4.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NEW - Never_show_tab_close_button_on_tabs_Fx.css
NEW - Always_show_tab_close_button_on_tabs_Fx.css
NEW - Always_show_tab_close_button_at_far_right_end_of_tab_bar_Fx.css 
[Add-on Bar (was Status Bar)]
 * All of the following status bar related subskins are now broken due to
the replacement of the status bar with the addon bar in Firefox.  Similar
subskins will need to be developed for the Status-4-Evar extension, if
REMOVED - Never_display_the_status_bar_progress_meter_Fx.css
REMOVED - Gray_status_bar_progress_meter_(Hiding)_(With_frame)_Fx.css
REMOVED - Gray_status_bar_progress_meter_(Hiding)_(No_frame)_Fx.css
REMOVED - Gray_status_bar_progress_meter_(Always_visible)_(With_frame)_Fx.css
REMOVED - Gray_status_bar_progress_meter_(Always_visible)_(No_frame)_Fx.css
REMOVED - Bouncing_status_bar_progress_meter_(Hiding).css
REMOVED - Bouncing_status_bar_progress_meter_(Always_visible).css
REMOVED - Always_display_the_status_bar_download_button_(without_text)_Fx.css
REMOVED - Never_display_the_status_bar_download_button_Fx.css
REMOVED - Always_display_the_status_bar_security_button_Fx.css
REMOVED - Never_display_the_status_bar_security_button_Fx.css
REMOVED - Remove_status_bar_security_button_text_Fx.css  (Not needed in Fx 3.6+)
REMOVED - Always_display_the_status_bar_pop-up_blocker_button_Fx.css
REMOVED - Never_display_the_status_bar_pop-up_blocker_button_Fx.css

3.04 - 2010-04-25 - Updated to have better Mac OS and Linux support.
ADDED Mac OS and Linux support with the help of Sailfish and his Simple
  Green theme. ( see: http://Addons.Mozilla.org/addon/6269 )
  Scroll bars, menu bar bookmarks, and toolbar separators now function on
  Mac OS.  There may still be some slight bugs on Mac OS and Linux.
ADDED subskin: Enable_tree_connecting_lines_-_dotted_Fx.css (DEFAULT)
ADDED subskin: Enable_tree_connecting_lines_-_solid_Fx.css
ADDED subskin: Disable_tree_connecting_lines_Fx.css
ADDED subskin: Always_display_the_status_bar_pop-up_blocker_button_Fx.css
ADDED subskin: Always_display_the_status_bar_download_button_(without_text)_Fx.css
ADDED subskin: Never_display_the_status_bar_pop-up_blocker_button_Fx.css
ADDED subskin: Never_display_the_status_bar_download_button_Fx.css
ADDED subskin: Location_bar_go_button_-_style_3.css
ADDED subskin: Change_new_tab,_list_all_tabs,_and_close_tab_tabs_to_the_same_size_Fx.css
ADDED subskin: Always_show_new_tab_tab_on_far_left_end_of_the_tab_bar_Fx.css
ADDED subskin: Always_show_new_tab_tab_on_right_end_of_the_tab_bar_Fx.css
UPDATED Remove_List_Tabs_button_Fx.css to improve operation with other subskins.
UPDATED Gray_about_blank_FX.css to allow current OS color in background.
UPDATED Gray_about_blank_with_splash-3.css to allow current OS color in background.
FIXED full screen toolbar throbber positioning to be at the far right.

3.03 - 2010-03-02 - First public release version for Firefox 3.6
ADDED Full Screen toolbar button (New in Firefox 3.6)
Reorganized theme files to simplify future updates
Renamed *_in_FF3.css subskins to *_Fx.css
Renamed several subskins to improve naming consistency and clarity
Relocated all base theme .css file changes to separate subskins
Exposed all base theme subskins as entries in the 0-config-template.css file
ADDED subskin: Black toolbar button text
ADDED subskin: Always display extra large Netscape 4.x throbber
IMPROVED subskin: Automatic small and large Netscape 4.x throbber
  This was the base subskin in FOXSCAPE 3.02
  This subskin now behaves as follows
    Throbber on Menu Bar toolbar: always small
    Throbber on other toolbars:
      Show: [Icons and Text]  [ ] Use Small Icons  Throbber size: Large
      Show: [Icons and Text]  [/] Use Small Icons  Throbber size: Large
      Show: [Icons         ]  [ ] Use Small Icons  Throbber size: Large
      Show: [Icons         ]  [/] Use Small Icons  Throbber size: Small
      Show: [Text          ]  [x] Use Small Icons  Throbber size: Small
ADDED subskin: Automatic small, large and extra large Netscape 4.x throbber
  This is the new base subskin
  This base subskin behaves like the one above with the following change
    Throbber on other toolbars:
      Show: [Icons and Text]  [ ] Use Small Icons  Throbber size: Extra Large
ADDED subskin: Automatic small and large Mozilla throbber
ADDED subskin: Automatic small and large SeaMonkey 1.x throbber 
ADDED subskin: Automatic small and large SeaMonkey 2.x throbber
ADDED subskin: Location bar go button arrow WITHOUT green dot
ADDED subskin: Search bar go button magnifying glass

3.02 - 2009-08-16 - First public release version for Firefox 3.5
ADDED Open a tab button (New in Firefox 3.5)
ADDED Private Browsing related icons (New in Firefox 3.5)
ADDED customizable features via subskins
CHANGED the default back and forward buttons to non unified (classic) style
CHANGED unified back and forward buttons to have a transparent background
CHANGED default History button icon to a folder style
ADDED location & search splitter grippy
ADDED location bar search spinner
ADDED optional classic Cylon eye style progressmeter
ADDED an alternate older icon style for the Work Offline extension
ADDED two alternate icon styles for the History button
ADDED two alternate icon styles for the Downloads button
ADDED two alternate icon styles for the Bookmarks button
ADDED location bar "Bookmark this page" button with an improved metaphor:
      Bookmark + Glint of light instead of a Gray Star
ADDED location bar "Edit this bookmark" button  with an improved metaphor:
      Bookmark + Pen instead of a Gold Star
CHANGED library/places Tag icon to a less bright color scheme
CHANGED library/places query icon from the incorrect folder with a tag icon
        to the correct magnifying glass on a folder icon
ADDED library/places Import and Backup button
CHANGED library/places History icon to a less bright color scheme
ADDED an alternate style for library/places History icon
ADDED Bookmarks toolbar drop marker
CHANGED default library/places back and forward buttons to non unified
        (classic) style
CHANGED library/places unified back and forward buttons to have a
        transparent background
ADDED an alternate style for library/places unified back and forward
ADDED dir listing folder, up, local, and remote icons
ADDED an alternate style for dir listing
ADDED seven alternate tab close button styles
ADDED two alternate page-proxy icon styles 

3.01 - 2008-09-07
ADDED new web site address - http://FOXSCAPE.net
ADDED missing large RTL keyhole style unified back & forward icons
ADDED keyhole style unified back & forward Recent pages menu arrows
ADDED go button
ADDED search go button
ADDED flat appearance passport officer (Larry) icons
      (Gray, Blue, Green, Red, and Yellow)
ADDED most of the Organize Bookmarks... / Library / Places icons
      (Including: History, Tags, All Bookmarks, Bookmarks Toolbar,
                  Bookmarks Menu, and Unsorted Bookmarks icons)
ADDED Page Info tab buttons
ADDED Applications tab button in Options
ADDED other minor changes

3.00 - 2008-08-04 - First public release version for Firefox 3.0
PORTED to Firefox 3 platform
ADDED keyhole style unified back and forward button

2.02 - 2008-07-31 - Last Firefox 2.0 compatible version
ADDED internal viewable readme. Go to: chrome://browser/skin/readme
ADDED internal icon pack. Go to: chrome://browser/skin/iconpack
ADDED original Page Proxy icon to the left end of the Location control.
ADDED Report Site button depressed (active) state icon.
IMPROVED consistency of icon size in the following Bookmarks Manager icons:
         New Bookmark..., New Folder..., New Separator, and Move...
ADDED images for the Splash extension and the about:blank page.
ADDED skin for the Work Offline extension.
ADDED skin for the QuickRestart extension's restart button.

2.01 - 2006-12-14
ADDED: Toolbar button text labels display in bright blue and dark blue
       during mouse hover and mouse click, respectively.

2.00 - 2006-12-13 - First public release version for Firefox 2.0

1.xx - My never completed theme for Firefox 1.5

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