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80s & 90s public access UNIX lists
By Michael Walden
Created: 2023-07-15
Updated: 2024-03-03
From its beginning sometime in 1987 (I believe) the original "nixpub", by Wayne
Ross in Plano, TX, provided readers with dial-up modem telephone numbers they
could call with their own computer to gain access to public access UNIX (XENIX)
systems. These systems would allow you to use local BBS message boards, local
file archives, multi-user games, as well as Internet features, such as USENET
news groups, Internet email, Archie search engine, FTP, FSP (File Service
Protocol), Gopher, etc. as well as, in some cases, UNIX shell access which
would allow you to learn how to use UNIX even if you did not have a UNIX based
This was at a time before Internet service providers (ISPs) were in existence.
So, these nixpub listings were your only on-ramp onto the information
superhighway (Internet). The trouble is, nixpub lists ware largely only
available on the very sites that the lists listed via their USENET news groups
(primarily in comp.misc, alt.bbs, or pubnet.nixpub news groups). This was a
problem for someone who only had a home computer and a modem and no public
access UNIX numbers to call. Either you had to know someone who already had
USENET news group access, this could happen if the person was a University
student or an employee at a company that was on the Internet, or you had to be
lucky enough to have access to a computer bulletin board system (BBS) that had
a copy of the nixpub list available for viewing / download.
It was always exciting to see the next nixpub list to see what new systems came
online, possibly having a system local to you which was a big thing, not having
to pay for long distance billing from your telephone company.
Soon after the nixpub list was started, it was transfered from Wayne to Phil
Eschallier in Norristown, PA (as seen in "nixpub-1988-11-30-long.txt").
He maintained the list all the way through late 1995, at that point ISPs were
a thing and the World Wide Web started to gain public attention. So the nixpub
list became somewhat less important. It is unclear how long after 1995 that
the nixpub list was still being produced.
The Archive
The nixpub archive allows you to see the progression from a 4K list in 1987, to
a 72K list in 1995. All of these nixpub lists contain information that is
obsolete and you should not dial any of the telephone numbers in them since
they would have been disconnected long ago. They are presented here for their
historical value, documenting the public access UNIX (XENIX) systems of the
If you happen to have any nixpub list text files from the past, even ones that
already appear here, please send them to me. If the file is already here, I
will compare it to the existing file to see if there are any data errors in the
files that should be corrected. If the files do not appear here, that will
help to fill in more of the history, especially if they are newer than 1995-08
If you have any comments about the nixpub archive you would like to email me,
please feel free to do so (be sure to mention "nixpub archive" in your
message). Tell me if you would like your comment to be featured here, and I
will try to add it to the comment section at the bottom of the page if I am not
overwhelmed with user comments! I will do this as time permits.
My email address can be found by going to my [Contact Michael Walden] page.
Origin of The Archive
The nixpub files in this archive were gathered from four different sources.
Each file has a file date that relates to one of the four sources as I will
describe below.
The first source was my personal nixpub archive that I had collected from back
in the 80s and 90s (about 10 files). Additionally, I was fortunate to have
performed web searching back in 2007 and found over 20 nixpub files available
on the Internet at that time. In total, I had 36 nixpub files and all but two
of which were unique relative to the other sources. So this source contributed
34 files, all of which have a file date of 2007-03-17. That date was chosen
since it was the date of the last file I downloaded back in 2007.
The second source of nixpub files was:
TrashWorldNews.com Usenet Archive (1981 to 1991)
I saw that website mentioned in a Hacker News post on 2023-04-05:
After using the TrashWorldNews.com Usenet Archive's search function, I came up
with over 90 nixpub postings on that site. The posts were largely contained in
one single web page of concatenated nixpub posts. I had to harvest each
individual nixpub post manually by cutting each post to a single logically
named disk file. This was time consuming and not fun. In total, this source
contributed 86 unique files (relative to the other sources) all of which have a
file date of 2022-08-16. That date was chosen since TrashWorldNews.com Usenet
Archive was posted on the Internet on or slightly before August 16, 2022.
The third source of nixpub files was:
Public Access UNIX (and GNU/Linux) History Documentation Project (pubnixhist)
in particular, the 82 nixpub files here:
and two additional files at the top of the page here:
In total, there were 84 files on pubnixhist. After inspection, it was found
that only 37 of these files were unique relative to the other sources. Out of
the 37 files, 19 of them required cleaning to make them perfect. Files cleaned
might have one or more of the following things fixed:
* Header information that is not needed
* Incorrect title header formatting
* Extra information in the footer
* Cut off footer information repaired
So, after cleaning files, there were only 18 uncleaned unique files from
pubnixhist used in my nixpub archive. All 37 of the files from pubnixhist used
in this archive have a file date of 2019-11-19. That year was chosen since it
was the year that pubnixhist's archive was put online. I do not remember why I
chose 11-19 for the month and day, but it really does not matter.
The fourth source of nixpub files was:
After using UsenetArchives.com's search function, I came up with 29 nixpub
postings on that site that were unique relative to the other sources. All 29
of the files from UsenetArchives.com used in this archive have a file date of
2023-07-14. That date is the day all 29 of the files were downloaded.
The Individual File nixpub archive
Here you can click on any nixpub to read it. This is not good if you want all
of the files. See the next section for the solution.
Hopefully, the files linked here will be crawled by search engines and indexed
so when people search for information in the lists, they will get hits pointing
back here. I have recently (before posting this web page) done web searches
for "nixpub" and for other information in the nixpub files and yielded a few
hits to true nixpub files, all of which I already had. The rest of the hits
were just a bunch of junk. On the down side, this will possibly clutter search
results obscuring any newly indexed nixpub files on other sites, making it
harder for me or anyone else to find in the future... Oh well, it is what it
2024-03-03 02:18 PM 5,369 nixpub-1987-08-23-long.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 4,890 nixpub-1987-09-14-long.txt
2024-03-03 02:19 PM 5,841 nixpub-1987-10-09-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 7,589 nixpub-1987-11-22-long.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 7,775 nixpub-1987-12-07-long.txt
2024-03-03 02:19 PM 8,707 nixpub-1987-12-18-long.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 9,830 nixpub-1988-01-21-long.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 6,358 nixpub-1988-05-17-short.txt
2022-08-16 04:00 AM 16,365 nixpub-1988-11-30-long.txt
2024-03-03 02:19 PM 18,589 nixpub-1989-04-10-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 18,579 nixpub-1989-04-20-long.txt
2022-08-16 04:00 AM 6,717 nixpub-1989-04-20-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 18,367 nixpub-1989-04-27-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 6,548 nixpub-1989-04-27-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 19,025 nixpub-1989-05-05-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 6,771 nixpub-1989-05-05-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 19,215 nixpub-1989-05-26-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 6,770 nixpub-1989-05-26-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 19,782 nixpub-1989-07-05-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 6,858 nixpub-1989-07-05-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 19,928 nixpub-1989-07-18-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 6,844 nixpub-1989-07-18-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 20,980 nixpub-1989-08-03-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 7,204 nixpub-1989-08-03-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 21,530 nixpub-1989-08-07-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 7,358 nixpub-1989-08-07-short.txt
2022-08-16 01:00 AM 21,421 nixpub-1989-08-13-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 7,361 nixpub-1989-08-13-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 21,149 nixpub-1989-09-02-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 7,299 nixpub-1989-09-02-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 21,402 nixpub-1989-09-22-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 7,373 nixpub-1989-09-22-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 21,920 nixpub-1989-10-19-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 7,417 nixpub-1989-10-19-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 22,826 nixpub-1989-10-25-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 7,658 nixpub-1989-10-25-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 22,243 nixpub-1989-11-12-long [Has Tabs].txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 22,991 nixpub-1989-11-12-long [Missing tabs].txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 22,631 nixpub-1989-11-12-long.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 7,058 nixpub-1989-11-12-short [Has Tabs].txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 7,663 nixpub-1989-11-12-short [Missing tabs].txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 7,379 nixpub-1989-11-12-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 23,469 nixpub-1989-11-20-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 7,813 nixpub-1989-11-20-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 23,391 nixpub-1989-11-26-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 7,807 nixpub-1989-11-26-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 24,148 nixpub-1989-12-14-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 7,883 nixpub-1989-12-14-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 24,499 nixpub-1990-01-09-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 7,955 nixpub-1990-01-09-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 24,500 nixpub-1990-01-11-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 7,955 nixpub-1990-01-11-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 25,287 nixpub-1990-01-15-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 8,110 nixpub-1990-01-15-short.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 25,300 nixpub-1990-01-27-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 8,112 nixpub-1990-01-27-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 25,457 nixpub-1990-02-01-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 8,119 nixpub-1990-02-01-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 25,086 nixpub-1990-02-08-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 8,048 nixpub-1990-02-08-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 24,388 nixpub-1990-02-28-long.txt
2023-07-14 09:50 AM 7,827 nixpub-1990-02-28-short.txt
2023-07-14 09:59 AM 24,265 nixpub-1990-03-13-long.txt
2023-07-14 10:03 AM 7,746 nixpub-1990-03-13-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 24,195 nixpub-1990-03-18-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 7,739 nixpub-1990-03-18-short.txt
2023-07-14 10:10 AM 24,150 nixpub-1990-04-01-long.txt
2023-07-14 10:13 AM 7,744 nixpub-1990-04-01-short.txt
2023-07-14 10:19 AM 24,150 nixpub-1990-04-05-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 7,743 nixpub-1990-04-05-short.txt
2023-07-14 10:24 AM 24,433 nixpub-1990-04-29-long.txt
2023-07-14 10:27 AM 7,823 nixpub-1990-04-29-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 25,253 nixpub-1990-05-13-long.txt
2023-07-14 10:33 AM 7,866 nixpub-1990-05-13-short.txt
2023-07-14 10:59 AM 26,707 nixpub-1990-05-21-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 8,210 nixpub-1990-05-21-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 26,362 nixpub-1990-05-31-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 8,137 nixpub-1990-05-31-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 26,406 nixpub-1990-07-31-long.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 8,625 nixpub-1990-07-31-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 27,824 nixpub-1990-08-12-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 8,536 nixpub-1990-08-12-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 28,256 nixpub-1990-08-20-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 8,613 nixpub-1990-08-20-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 29,927 nixpub-1990-10-02-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 8,916 nixpub-1990-10-02-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 30,355 nixpub-1990-10-03-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 30,887 nixpub-1990-10-07-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 9,064 nixpub-1990-10-07-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 29,922 nixpub-1990-11-15-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 8,830 nixpub-1990-11-15-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 31,253 nixpub-1990-11-19-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 9,268 nixpub-1990-11-19-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 33,425 nixpub-1990-11-25-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 9,645 nixpub-1990-11-25-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 34,637 nixpub-1990-12-09-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 10,099 nixpub-1990-12-09-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 34,806 nixpub-1990-12-19-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 9,740 nixpub-1990-12-19-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 35,622 nixpub-1990-12-30-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 9,826 nixpub-1990-12-30-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 36,918 nixpub-1991-01-11-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 10,050 nixpub-1991-01-11-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 38,399 nixpub-1991-01-23-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 10,400 nixpub-1991-01-23-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 39,830 nixpub-1991-02-03-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 10,463 nixpub-1991-02-03-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 40,426 nixpub-1991-02-27-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 10,541 nixpub-1991-02-27-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 41,267 nixpub-1991-04-05-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 10,840 nixpub-1991-04-05-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 43,168 nixpub-1991-04-29-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 11,005 nixpub-1991-04-29-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 43,492 nixpub-1991-05-07-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 11,309 nixpub-1991-05-07-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 44,087 nixpub-1991-05-20-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 11,387 nixpub-1991-05-20-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 40,607 nixpub-1991-06-25-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 11,236 nixpub-1991-06-25-short.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 45,074 nixpub-1991-06-28-long.txt
2022-08-16 02:00 AM 11,583 nixpub-1991-06-28-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 45,222 nixpub-1991-08-01-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 11,668 nixpub-1991-08-01-short.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 45,456 nixpub-1991-09-13-long.txt
2023-07-14 11:32 AM 11,430 nixpub-1991-09-13-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 46,251 nixpub-1991-10-14-long.txt
2023-07-14 11:39 AM 11,719 nixpub-1991-10-14-short.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 46,394 nixpub-1991-11-11-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 11,764 nixpub-1991-11-11-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 47,492 nixpub-1991-12-01-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 48,503 nixpub-1991-12-27-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 12,065 nixpub-1991-12-27-short.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 49,682 nixpub-1992-01-11-long.txt
2023-07-14 11:44 AM 11,903 nixpub-1992-01-11-short.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 50,531 nixpub-1992-01-28-long.txt
2023-07-14 11:47 AM 12,065 nixpub-1992-01-28-short.txt
2023-07-14 11:54 AM 51,659 nixpub-1992-02-28-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 12,485 nixpub-1992-02-28-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 51,696 nixpub-1992-04-11-long.txt
2023-07-14 11:58 AM 12,190 nixpub-1992-04-11-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 53,498 nixpub-1992-05-20-long.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 12,915 nixpub-1992-05-20-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 51,668 nixpub-1992-06-25-long.txt
2023-07-14 12:09 PM 12,180 nixpub-1992-06-25-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 54,610 nixpub-1992-08-12-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 13,021 nixpub-1992-08-12-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 54,151 nixpub-1992-08-23-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 12,765 nixpub-1992-08-23-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 55,689 nixpub-1992-09-01-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 12,924 nixpub-1992-09-01-short.txt
2023-07-14 12:20 PM 58,213 nixpub-1992-10-28-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 13,453 nixpub-1992-10-28-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 58,135 nixpub-1992-12-12-long.txt
2023-07-14 12:24 PM 13,105 nixpub-1992-12-12-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 58,704 nixpub-1993-01-28-long.txt
2023-07-14 12:31 PM 13,313 nixpub-1993-01-28-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 60,004 nixpub-1993-03-29-long.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 14,867 nixpub-1993-03-29-short.txt
2023-07-14 12:40 PM 61,890 nixpub-1993-06-07-long.txt
2023-07-14 12:45 PM 14,155 nixpub-1993-06-07-short.txt
2023-07-14 12:51 PM 61,231 nixpub-1993-06-18-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 14,104 nixpub-1993-06-18-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 59,934 nixpub-1993-07-22-long.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 63,194 nixpub-1993-08-23-long.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 14,703 nixpub-1993-08-23-short.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 64,281 nixpub-1993-11-26-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 14,787 nixpub-1993-11-26-short.txt
2023-07-14 12:58 PM 66,731 nixpub-1994-01-04-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 15,029 nixpub-1994-01-04-short.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 66,591 nixpub-1994-01-20-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 14,831 nixpub-1994-01-20-short.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 67,643 nixpub-1994-02-04-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 14,989 nixpub-1994-02-04-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 67,505 nixpub-1994-04-15-long.txt
2023-07-14 01:24 PM 14,865 nixpub-1994-04-15-short.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 69,219 nixpub-1994-05-25-long.txt
2023-07-14 01:28 PM 14,958 nixpub-1994-05-25-short.txt
2023-07-14 01:32 PM 70,334 nixpub-1994-06-14-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 15,114 nixpub-1994-06-14-short.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 72,968 nixpub-1994-08-18-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 15,620 nixpub-1994-08-18-short.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 73,659 nixpub-1994-08-25-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 15,777 nixpub-1994-08-25-short.txt
2007-03-17 05:50 PM 73,542 nixpub-1994-11-22-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 15,936 nixpub-1994-11-22-short.txt
2023-07-14 01:39 PM 73,863 nixpub-1995-01-05-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 15,772 nixpub-1995-01-05-short.txt
2023-07-14 01:46 PM 74,050 nixpub-1995-01-25-long.txt
2019-11-19 01:51 PM 15,771 nixpub-1995-01-25-short.txt
2024-03-03 02:20 PM 74,964 nixpub-1995-08-03-long.txt
2024-03-03 02:21 PM 15,873 nixpub-1995-08-03-short.txt
191 File(s) 4,741,094 bytes
The All-in-one nixpub archive
Here you can download a single .zip file containing all of the files in the
section above.
Download: nixpub-archive-2024-03-03.zip (1,948,613 bytes)
None yet. Send me an email comment.
## 2024-03-03 ##################################################################
## In: Introduction
From its beginning sometime in 1987 (I believe) the original "unixpub" list (as
seen in "nixpub-1987-09-14-long.txt") soon changed to "nixpub", by Wayne Ross
in Plano, TX, provided readers with dial-up modem telephone numbers they could
call with their own computer to gain access to public access UNIX (XEMIX)
From its beginning sometime in 1987 (I believe) the original "nixpub", by Wayne
Ross in Plano, TX, provided readers with dial-up modem telephone numbers they
could call with their own computer to gain access to public access UNIX (XENIX)
Soon after the nixpub (unixpub) list was started, it was transfered from Wayne
Soon after the nixpub list was started, it was transfered from Wayne to Phil
## In: The Archive
historical value, documenting the public access UNIX (XEMIX) systems of the
historical value, documenting the public access UNIX (XENIX) systems of the
## In: The Individual File nixpub archive
2024-03-03 02:18 PM 5,369 nixpub-1987-08-23-long.txt - Source: https://Groups.Google.com/g/comp.mail.uucp/c/-lrXOwJYVRg/m/bYDFVx9hzOsJ
2024-03-03 02:19 PM 5,841 nixpub-1987-10-09-long.txt - Source: https://Groups.Google.com/g/soc.college/c/v7ZQUOuv1Dw/m/_ngB6QqEka8J
2024-03-03 02:19 PM 8,707 nixpub-1987-12-18-long.txt - Source: https://Groups.Google.com/g/comp.misc/c/Gfag1zYWOP8/m/5cuPcPczioIJ
2024-03-03 02:19 PM 18,589 nixpub-1989-04-10-long.txt - Source: https://Groups.Google.com/g/misc.misc/c/2ejtGfAjb8o/m/QzKF908BVGAJ
2024-03-03 02:21 PM 15,873 nixpub-1995-08-03-short.txt - Source: https://w2.eff.org/Net_culture/Net_info/Resources/ (nixpub_short.list)
2024-03-03 02:20 PM 74,964 nixpub-1995-08-03-long.txt - Source: https://w2.eff.org/Net_culture/Net_info/Resources/ (nixpub_long.list)
(This file replaces the prior one with only one change to the header info
including the following additional line "Reply-To: nixpub-list@BTS.COM")
Thanks go out to harry https://hryjksn.com for his effort in tracking down the
above six nixpub lists on the net and contributing them to the nixpub archive.
## In: The All-in-one nixpub archive
Download: nixpub-archive-2023-07-15.zip (1,925,727 bytes)
Download: nixpub-archive-2024-03-03.zip (1,948,613 bytes)
## In: Changelog
This changelog section.
## 2023-07-15 ##################################################################
## Original posting date.
(This document was originally published here: http://MW.Rat.bz/nixpub )
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