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Search Engines All-In-One Page
By Michael Walden - Created: 2023-11-03 - Updated: 2025-01-28 - Click here to read the changelog.
The search engines on this page were manually converted from my Firefox OpenSearch plugins database. I had collected these over many years and
recently decided to convert them from the difficult to manage .XML files that get imported into the Firefox OpenSearch plugins database.
Now that the search engines are in the HTML code on this page they are no longer tied to a particular web browser. This is a better way to keep search
engines because anyone can use them no matter which browser they use.
I intend to keep this page up to date with all of the latest search engines.
The search engine list below is composed of five parts:
1. Search engine's icon link (favicon)
2. Short search engine name link (up to 16 characters long)
3. Search engine search field
4. Search button
5. Search engine's long description
To use this page, find the search engine you wish to use and then enter your query text in the search field, on the same line as the search engine name,
then press Enter or click the search button on the same line to launch the service.
I recomend that you do a find on this page (Ctrl+F on Windows/Linux or Command+F on macOS) for the type of search you are looking to perform, such as
"Thesaurus" then scroll while observing the highlighted text on the short name on the left, or on the long description to the right.
If you have any corrections or additions, please let me know in an email and I will consider including them on this page. My email address can be found
by going to my contact Michael Walden page. Also, before you email me, have a look at my working notes to see if your potential addition is listed there.
Click here to read the page disclaimer.
The 175 search engines on this page are organized alphabetically.
The List:
Icon / Short Name | Search Field / Button | Long Description |
[PHP] = This flag indicates that a PHP script is used to enable the search engine to work with this web page. No search queries are logged with these.
© 2025 Michael Walden
(This document was originally published here: http://MW.Rat.bz/search )
Counter: 6759 (Since 2023-11-03)
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